Will the topic still be current when you finish project

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM132971743

Finding a good research topic

Discuss the extent to which a number of research ideas would each constitute a ‘good research topic' using the checklist in Box 2.1 below. List some research ideas, state the research topic for each, and explain what makes each topic a good one. The set of ideas you use may be past ones obtained from your tutor that relate to your course. Alternatively, they may be those which have been written by you and your colleagues as preparation for your project(s).

Attributes of a good research topic

Capability: is it feasible?

» Is the topic something with which you are really fascinated?
» Do you have, or can you develop within the project time frame, the necessary research skills to undertake the topic?
» Is the research topic achievable within the available time?
» Will the topic still be current when you finish your project?
» Is the topic achievable within the financial resources that are likely to be available?
» Are you reasonably certain of being able to gain access to data you are likely to require for this topic?
Appropriateness: is it worthwhile?

» Does the topic fit the specifications and meet the standards set by the examining institution?
» Does your topic contain issues that have a clear link to theory?
» Are you able to state your research question(s), aim and objectives clearly?
» Will your proposed research be able to provide fresh insights into this topic?
» Does your topic relate clearly to the idea you have been given (perhaps by an organisation)?
» Are the findings for this topic likely to be symmetrical: that is, of similar value whatever the outcome?
» Does the topic match your career goals

Attachment:- Finding Good Research Topic.rar

Reference no: EM132971743

Questions Cloud

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Explain the e-commerce framework : Fully explain the e-commerce framework based on the Canadian Tire company. Not copy the text from the internet. Add references.
Debate the pros and cons of using labor hours : Debate the pros and cons of using labor hours to do internal marketing, including the staff or manager.
What is the current state of the organization : In a media assessment on the Dallas Cowboys, What is the current state of the organization, current trends, and future concerns or opportunities?
Will the topic still be current when you finish project : Discuss the extent to which a number of research ideas would each constitute a ‘good research topic' using the checklist in Box 2.1 below. List some research
What is a gis : GIS that you did not know of before reading the article/conducting the research. Why are GIS important?
Clashing views in business ethics and society : Review issues 11 and 19 from Taking Sides. Choose one issue to respond to. Which viewpoint do you side with? Why? Explain. Reference at least two outside resour
Compare managers leadership style : Compare and contrast their managers' leadership style. Which leadership theory explains their leadership style?
Do organizations have ethics : Do organizations have ethics? Please provide examples to support your answer.


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