Reference no: EM131629388
Part A- One of the powers of the president, as the head of the executive branch in the U.S., is the power of executive order. In the table below, fill in the blanks about former President Obama use of executive order.
You are to identify and list three executive orders of former President Obama, describe the three policies, and determine whether you agree or disagree with the policy.
Also, discuss why you agree or disagree with the executive order.
Executive Order
Description of Policy
Agree or Disagree?
Part B- As American citizens of this country, we all have preferences and interest that may not always align with each other.
Thinking about your own political preference, list three policies that you wish former President Obama had made an executive order concerning.
What prevented your issues from being one of the executive orders that former President Obama gave out doing his two terms?
Do you think that the current president, President Trump will create an executive order concerning your political issue? Why or why not?
Issue not made into an Executive Order
What prevented it?
Will President Trump make it into an Executive Order?
Why or why not?