Will negatively impact current strategy

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133126739

You are speaking on the phone with Mike when he asks about what sort of cultural aspects you are considering in this plan.

You think about this and say, "There may well be some considerable cultural differences that need addressing. I remember last year when there was a language mix-up with a doll. It was just saying 'I love you' in a different language, but it sounded like 'kill mommy.' It's funny now, but imagine being the marketing team in that building!" Both of you laugh as you hang up the phone, but the memory does get you thinking seriously about cultural differences. Complete the following:

What cultural considerations should you take into account for your strategy?

Will this negatively impact your current strategy?

Does this change your approach? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM133126739

Questions Cloud

Company vision and mission statements : What are the company's vision and mission statements? What are the major goals for the company? What is the Industry in which your company resides?
Principles of finance-comparison analysis : What might be the cause(s) of the business's financial success or failure? Is more information needed to determine the business's financial health?
Competitive strategy in global market : What resources may be a concern in the country you selected? How will this impact your competitive strategy in your global market?
Different strategies when pursuing global expansion : Deborah enters your office ready to discuss the project. Why is it important to combine different strategies when pursuing global expansion?
Will negatively impact current strategy : What cultural considerations should you take into account for your strategy? Will this negatively impact your current strategy?
Maximizing profit and maximizing the wealth of stockholders : Suppose management is examining policies that relate to maximizing profit and maximizing the wealth of the stockholders.
Diversity in globalized economy : What would you do differently if you could start the capstone again? What were three main findings from the investigation?
Describe several workplace discrimination issues : Describe several workplace discrimination issues that you would think are important to understand as a manager.
About idea of participating in leadership : We learned about the idea of participating in leadership. Does the culture of the organization contribute to the use of these concepts?


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