Reference no: EM131038339
Argumentative Paper
What is this paper about?
Topic 1:
Do you think that a mandated paid maternity leave in the United States can help families, workplaces, anii the society? Explain and stippot t your argument with evidence.
Topic 2:
Will mandating paternity leave help bridge the gender gap and empower women in the workforce? Explain and support your argument with evidence.
• Since your paper will be about a topic of controversy that is current, use the checklist for "Argumentative Essays" (next page) and the materials on Canvas > 'Argument Paper' folder.
• Your essay should inform the reader about the differing viewpoints on your topic while persuading the reader that your viewpoint has more value than opposing views. This means that your own arguments as wells as counter-arguments should be discussed.
• Your thesis should be a clear, specific statement expressing your point of view. You cannot be "neutral".
How long does the paper have to be?
Your final draft, typed in 11 or 12-pt., Times New Roman, double-spaced, margins 1" on each side, with a running head should be approximately 600 words (NOT including the References).
Be sure to consult the format handouts from the class and the Purdue OWL website for correct APA style and formatting.