Reference no: EM133205946 , Length: Wrod Count: 200 words.
Assignment: SIFT Method Essay
Assess and Evaluate Information on Issues: Will Florida Be Lost Forever to the Climate Crisis?
Introduction: This is another lab that uses the SIFT method to validate information. You used the SIFT method to validate an article for the second lab. The purpose of this exercise is to practice using the SIFT method to assess the validity of information. For this lab, you will read and critique an article on the impact of climate change and rising sea level on the City of Miami.
• SIFT Method: Use the links below to review the SIFT method.
o SIFT Method (Four Moves)
o SIFTING Through Misinformation
o A Daily Example of SIFT
• Laboratory Activity: Read the following article from the Daily Guardian.
o Will Florida Be Lost Forever to the Climate Crisis
Part A: Documentation - Write 200 to 400 words covering the following points.
1. Review the SIFT Method.
2. Using the SIFT Method assess the validity of the linked article. Be sure to research the information various researchers cited by the article.
3. Cite any sources your accessed to test the validity of the article.
Part B: Reflection- Write 2 to 3 paragraphs reflecting on the following points.
1. What did you learn from using the SIFT method to verify the information in the article?
2. Describe how this article is similar to or different from the article you read for the second lab in the areas of depth of information, citations of sources of information, and tone of the writing.
3. Do you think completing two similar labs will help you to use the SIFT method when you read and share information on social media?