Why your program will benefit this population

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Reference no: EM133644637

This assignment is a mix of a research paper, a program design, and a creative project. The objective of this course is to help you all "demonstrate the ability to facilitate recreation and leisure experiences for diverse clientele, settings, cultures, and contexts." Here is your chance to show what you have learned by focusing on your passions or interests from the course. The final product will not be a paper submission. It will be something creative that includes all of the information listed below to be shared with the class. 


Step 1:

Choose a population or group of people we have learned about this semester. This can include any culture, disability, race, gender, sexual preference, age, etc. that you are interested in. You will also need to choose an activity to use for creating an inclusive program (ie: basketball, drawing, cooking, photography, fishing, mountain climbing, etc.).

Step 2:

  1. Conduct research on both the population you have chosen and the activity to share a brief history of general inclusion. IE: Has this population experienced issues with accessibility or access in the past or currently? If so, why? Has this activity been adapted for other populations in the past? If so, how? What is the perception of inclusion with this group? Etc.
  2. Discuss why inclusive recreation programs are or would be beneficial to this population.
  3. Finally, offer evidence-based support as to why your program will benefit this population. (this means research)

If little research exists on your chosen topics, please offer an informed opinion on possible reasons why. Make sure to cite your sources using APA referencing.

Step 3:

an activity analysis, needs assessment, and suggested accommodations for your chosen program and population. Please use the template from week 6 and make sure you justify your answers with supportive sources.

Step 4:

Specify necessary staff training based on one of the models from Chapter 7. Make sure to explain your choice of models.

Step 5:

The final project should combine information from all of the steps above into a creative submission (IE: Canva, Powerpoint, Video, Poster, etc.). There are no limits here as long as all of the information is included. Feel free to make a video, use powerpoint, etc. Be creative! This step is what you will turn in.


Reference no: EM133644637

Questions Cloud

What we need to know about asperger : A 47 year old woman is diagnose with Asperger disorder and borderline range of intelligence. Discuss the meaning of Asperger disorder. What are the diagnose
Discuss the difficulties in studying deviant populations : Consider the difficulties in studying deviant populations. What do you feel is necessary to protect these individuals in the course of empirical research?
Why are friendships so beneficial : Why are friendships so beneficial, even beyond other types of close relationships? Please answer this question in light of some of the motivational
What referrals would a case manager need to make : What referrals would a case manager need to make for a homeless woman who has a substance abuse problem and mood swings.
Why your program will benefit this population : Discuss why inclusive recreation programs are or would be beneficial to this population and why your program will benefit this population
What is one social work code of ethic or ethical principle : What is one social work Code of Ethic or Ethical Principle that resonates with you and why?
How are different ethnic or cultural groups portrayed : What stereotypes have you seen in the media (i.e., films, TV programs, video games, print media)? How are different ethnic or cultural groups portrayed?
Examine response to intervention : Examine Response to Intervention and Evidence-Based Practices (EBP). Your paper should be to the point but comprehensively
Design a psychoeducation training on a topic : Design a psychoeducation training on a topic of your choosing related to sexuality. You may choose to develop a presentation


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