Why your example communicates to the marketplace

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132299210

Marketing is all about being able to communicate your ideas to specific audiences.

The purpose of Assessment 3 is to help you practise a specific style of communication, namely a presentation. As students, you need to develop your presentation skills as this is one of the most common ways of communicating in business.

Purpose of this presentation: to communicate to your audience the value that can be gained by investing in marketing communications. In other words, you need to evaluate the effectiveness of an integrated campaign in achieving their objectives.

Task: Develop a 10 minute PPT presentation (to be presented in class- maximum of 10 slides). Steps to completing this assessment task: 1. Research and locate at least four journal articles related to the value of IMC in achieving strategic outcomes 2. Develop your presentation to argue your case.

Suggested PPT structure: Title page (1 slide) Background (1 slide) Marketing communications - justify why IMC is useful and needed (1 slide) - you can draw on findings from Assessment 2 and any other additional research completed.

Outline objectives (1 slide) Broadly discuss strategic direction (2 slides) - remember to include at least 2 journal article references) Broadly discuss tactical direction (3 slides) - remember to apply theory Reference list (1 slide) Remember to include visuals and links where necessary to clearly communicate to your audience the purpose of this presentation.

You can include animations, links to other sources (i.e. multimedia such as YouTube clips). In your presentation you need to describe and engage your audience with interesting and relevant information.

You need to use theory to justify how and why your example communicates to the marketplace your organisation's goals in the community and the impact of the example on the brand.

So you need to define and describe the concepts and as this is academic work just like the report, you will be expected to have references to support your choices.

The key is to demonstrate with theory and practical examples what value is provided to the organisation and its audiences through use of integrated marketing communications.

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The following assignment is a presentation on how the value of a brand, in this case, Muscle Magnesium from Blackmores, can be communicated to the target audience through the use of an integrated marketing communications plan. A background of IMC and the organisation has been provided, together with the importance as well as the objectives of an IMC plan. The strategic direction, as well as the tactical direction of the integrated marketing communications plan, has been elaborately discussed. The document for the presentation has been prepared using Microsoft PowerPoint, while Microsoft Office Word has been utilised for the document containing the speaker notes.

Reference no: EM132299210

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