Why you think this was propaganda rather than argumentation

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Reference no: EM133574054

Homework: Persuasion

For this homework, review the basic concepts of argument as discussed by Oswald et al. (2022); persuasion as discussed in Schachter (2021) or Nijssen et al. (2023); or Sadamali Jayawardena, Traichon, Quach, Razzaq, & Behl, (2023); and propaganda discussed in Trimble (2021). Make sure you are clear on the distinction between argument, persuasion, and propaganda.

Once you have finished reviewing the background materials, think about the communication you share with others during your time spent at work and home. People communicate through a variety of modes and methods, such as social media, telephone, email, sign language, and face-to-face conversations. After reviewing some communication examples online or in person, write a 2 to 3 pages paper, which means not less than 2 full pages, with a minimum of two scholarly sources (citing and referencing) addressing the following questions:

Question I. Describe a communication example that you have seen that is best described as propaganda (Trimble, 2021). In addition to describing the communication, explain why you think this was propaganda rather than argumentation (Oswald, et al., 2022) or persuasion (Schachter, 2021; Nijssen et al., 2023).

Question II. Now, find a communication example that you think is a good example of argumentation (Oswald, et al., 2022).

Question III. Next, find a communication example that is best defined as persuasion and best fits the concepts of persuasion discussed in Schachter (2021) or Nijssen et al. (2023). Explain why you think this communication best fits the definition of persuasion rather than propaganda (Trimble, 2021) or argumentation (Oswald, et al., 2022).

Question IV. Last, determine which of the three examples you think best influenced someone. Explain why you selected that example.

Question V. What would you change about the two examples you did not select in Question IV?

Reference no: EM133574054

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