Why you think the greeks focused on the gods

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133316408

Question: Roman Sculpture and Architecture

Recall that the Greeks often sculpted the Gods and athletic heroes. While the Romans sculpted army generals and rulers.

Briefly explain why you think the Greeks focused on the Gods while the Romans sculpted political leaders.

Name two people you feel deserve to have a sculpture made of them.

Who would be more likely to agree with you the ancient Greeks or Romans? Why?

After reading the Time Magazine article, think about how you feel about existing statues and monuments in America.

Are they essential parts of our history, or are they problematic images that glorify ideology that goes against American values?
Do you feel they should be removed? Why or why not?

Name two things from the video Engineering an Empire that had a major impact on the advancement of architecture.
Briefly explain what impact your two examples had.

Reference no: EM133316408

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