Why you think that might help to resolve this conflict

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133391706

Questions: Imagine you are working as a server in a restaurant. You have been working there for about a year. Ren comes onboard and right away you can feel tension within the team. Ren has a lot of new ideas, she is very outspoken about how things should be done, and has no problem taking charge.

1. Choose one of the tips from the video and explain why you think that might help to resolve this conflict.

2. Consider Ren's behavior and the possible life experiences that made her who she is, and may have shaped her behavior. These are imaginary, of course, but it gives you a chance to consider things that might be going on in a person's life. Based on this imaginary background that you created, List 2 reasons why she might be acting the way she is, and why she may not realize that her behavior is causing a problem.

3. What do you think is the MOST important aspect of resolving a conflict?


Reference no: EM133391706

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