Reference no: EM133782531
Discussion Post
Read Balaguer, M. (2022, January 27). Why the classical argument against free will is a failure. The MIT Reader.
Once you have read that essay, do this:
Create a position statement about why you think free will does or does not exist.
Consider why some might be on the other side and state their reasons (the reading can help you with that).
Refute their position.
Then state the reasons someone should support your position.
When you read your classmates' responses, play "the devil's advocate." Even if you agree with them, push back against their arguments. Explain to your classmate why you think their argument is weak, flawed, or wrong.
Have some fun with this, but do not use a fallacy. On the other hand, if you detect a fallacy in their argument, point it out. Stay as close to facts and logic as you can.
Did I mention that you should have some fun?