Why you rank the public health in terms of importance

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Reference no: EM133303843

Assignment: Can you rank the following in terms of importance and explain why? Include resources if applicable.

  1. Public health - Connecting healthcare delivery and public health information systems, including social determinants of health
  2. Care teams - Voice-enabling systems for the front-line care team
  3. Patients/Access/Marketing - Digital front door to enrich telehealth/patient engagement
  4. R&D/Insights/Data Science and more - AI/Analytics for research and management and more - find more insights
  5. Personalized health - including a focus on genomic systems
  6. Finance - Upgraded financial management suite and advanced consulting engagement to support it
  7. Operations - Supply Chain operational system
  8. Surgeons - Surgical Suite robots
  9. Radiology/Imaging - Diagnostic imaging upgrade
  10. Risks/Threats - Cybersecurity upgrade
  11. Infrastructure - Move to Cloud/networking infrastructure upgrade
  12. C-suite - Tech strategy consulting firm fees for strategic planning

Reference no: EM133303843

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