Why you consider choosen screen shot to be a poor design

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131433980



Select two web pages. One of the pages should be a page that you consider to be a good design. The other page should be one that you consider to be a poor design. Indicate why or why not each page represents a good or poor design. [Note: There is no right or wrong answer at this point. We will return to this exercise after you have completed several modules and compare your initial impressions with your impressions after having studied design guidelines.]


1. Take a screen shot of the web page that you consider to be a poor design and paste it into a Word document. (Include its URL as a link above the screen shot.)

2. Below the screen shot, describe why you consider it to be a poor design, as well as its probable effect on the user.List a minimum of three reasons why it is a poor design and at least three likely outcomes of this poor design on usability.

3. Next, take a screen shot of the web page that you believe is a good design and paste it into the same Word document.

4. Below the screen shot, describe why you consider it to be a good design, as well as its probable effect on the user.List a minimum of three reasons why it is a good design and at least three user effects.

5. Below is an example of a "poor" design:


Summary: This whole web site is included on a single page that forces the user to have to scroll and scroll and scroll to retrieve any information.

Reasons why it is a poor design:

1. The color scheme makes it difficult to read.
2. Everything is included on a single web page, so you have to scroll and scroll to find anything.
3. Information is poorly organized. That is, it's not divided into meaningful chunks.

Likely effects on the user:

1. The user won't be able to easily read the information.
2. The user will have to scroll too much and possibly get "lost" on the page.
3. The user won't be able to find what he's looking for. He will likely get frustrated quickly and leave the site.

Attachment:- Assignment_1.rar

Reference no: EM131433980

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