Reference no: EM132424064
Assignment: Article Review
Forensic Anthropology
Students will complete an article review and post their review to the Article Review Discussion Board due
Choose a forensic discipline that is interesting to you for your Article Review.
After reviewing different scholarly journals (must be written within the past 5 years), the student will select five (5) articles and describe how they support or apply to the discipline selected. The student should also include their opinion as to how the discipline could apply to evidence found at a crime scene.
Each student must utilize the Saint Leo library.
While article reviews may vary in their format, they should include the following:
1. Title of article and/or text and author(s)
2. Abstract
3. Why you chose the specific forensic discipline
4. Other background information or literature completed by the author
5. Result of the reading/research on topic
6. What the information researched means for criminal justice practitioners and
General guidelines consist of the following:
1. The review should be at least 1,200 words, excluding the title page, abstract, and reference pages.
2. Follow APA style formatting for references and abstracts (consult your APA manual if you are unsure of APA formatting).
3. Express yourself thoroughly and write in complete thoughts and sentences.