Reference no: EM131368498
Assignment: Strategic Management Project Proposal
The purpose of this assignment is for your Project Team to select an industry and a local company to analyze over the course of the semester. You and your Project Team should conduct extensive research on local companies and industries that you would like to study and analyze throughout the semester.
Please refer to the following sources of information:
1. IBISWorld database, in which you will be able to find industry information. This database can be accessed through our library at:
2. Websites of local companies
3. Newspapers, magazines, or press releases
4. The "Research and Writing Resources" discussion board on Canvas
The easiest way to start generating ideas for your project is to draw on your own experiences as a customer, employee, or manager at local companies. You may have experience with, or know someone that has experience with, a local company whose activities relate to your personal or professional interests.
Your Project Team needs to agree on three potential companies for your group project. You should submit your Project Proposal on Canvas no later than January 24, 2017 at 5:00pm. Provide the following information for each one these companies:
1. Name of the company
2. Short description of the company (Be specific and detailed. Write three or four sentences. Include the company website.)
3. Short description of the industry (Be specific and as detailed as possible. Incorporate data from your research. Write at least three or four sentences.)
4. Why you are interested in studying this particular company. (Write three or four sentences)
5. Do you know someone in this organization? If so, provide their first and last names (even if it is a group member) and position within the organization.
Assignments should be submitted as a Word document with one-inch margins using 12-point, Times New Roman, font. Please write your responses in paragraph format using complete sentences. See the syllabus for more information on style. List the companies in order of preference. Proposals will be reviewed in the order they are received. If your group's top choice has already been taken, you will be approved for your second choice, and so on.
Important: Please DO NOT start contacting any companies for interviews and/or observations yet. The company that you will be studying and analyzing for your group project needs to be approved by me before you can go into the field to continue your research.
To receive all of the points for this assignment you should:
1. Submit the assignment by the deadline.
2. Provide all of the required information for three companies.
3. Include data from your research in your responses.
4. Adhere to style guidelines.
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