Why would you use this theory

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131966490

Scenario A

Your meeting with the chief executive officers (CEOs) of UWEAR and PALEDENIM went well. In a discussion following the meeting, Theresa Tramlin, the CEO of UWEAR, mentioned that she would like you to spend some time in the field with her top sales representative to get a feel for what the salespeople face every day selling in the current business environment. Today, you are scheduled to spend the day with Joe Smith.

As you walk across the lobby of UWEAR, you see Theresa talking to a tall, distinguished-looking man. "This is Joe Smith," Theresa introduces when you step up to them. "You'll be spending some time with him today in the field."

"Nice to meet you, Joe," you respond, shaking Joe's hand.

Theresa says goodbye and makes her way to the elevator while you and Joe head toward the parking garage. "We're going to meet with a couple of clients today," Joe explains. "First, we'll have lunch with Bill Bateman, the CEO of the Peninsula Hotel chain. He's a great guy and I'm sure you'll enjoy meeting him."

"Where are we meeting him for lunch?" I ask, getting into Joe's car.

"Bill's hotel, the Peninsula, has a great restaurant that I frequently use to meet clients," Joe answers. "The food is outstanding. We're going to meet him there to discuss the renewal of his uniform contract."

As you continue the drive to the hotel, Joe elaborates on his business history with Bill. "I was able to win the contract for the Peninsula chain last year," he explains. "We were just able to underbid our competitor, Threads4U. In fact, Bill said that I underbid them by about $5 per uniform. Great victory on my part."

"It sounds like you've established a great working relationship with Bill," you say.

"Oh, yeah," Joe agrees. "He's a great guy. The first time we met, I was on my way to buy a nice bottle of cabernet as a birthday gift for my wife. She loves the expensive wines. I happened to mention this to Bill, he said he orders it all the time and offered to give me some for free. I told him it wasn't necessary, but he insisted. When I got my car back from the valet, I found not just a bottle, but an entire case of high-end cabernet in my trunk." Joe shakes his head, smiling. "But that's just the kind of guy Bill is."

"It sounds like it worked out for you and your wife," you comment. "Did she enjoy her birthday gift?" "Yes," Joe says. "We both enjoyed it for quite some time. Well, here we are," he adds, pulling up the Peninsula Hotel. As you park and exit the car, Joe explains, "Since Bill and I have been doing business, he's referred three other hotel owners to me to supply their uniforms. Except for when I'm meeting with one of his competitors, I usually conduct business meetings with clients here at the restaurant in Bill's hotel."

"It's a beautiful hotel," you comment as Joe leads you through the lobby, admiring the elegant décor. "No wonder you enjoy coming here. I wouldn't mind bringing my family here for a weekend sometime."

"Actually," Joe says, "My wife and I have become really good friends with Bill and his wife. He often invites us out onto his yacht with his family, we go to social events with them, and we've stayed at the hotel several times. We really enjoy it. You should bring your family sometime, too. Kids love the pool with the waterfall.

You nod, following Joe into the hotel's restaurant. After all you've heard about Bill, you are very interested in meeting him.

Assignment: 600 - 700 words plus at least two resources

Joe has scheduled a meeting with his management team for next week to talk about the Peninsula Hotel chain contract. He hopes that he will be able to work with them to draft a contract favorable to Peninsula that will ensure its renewal for another year. He is reasonably sure that the contract renewal will ensure his continued success and employment with UWEAR.

On his way out of the office today, Joe receives a call from Bill.

Bill: "Joe, how are you doing? Got any great plans for the weekend?"

Joe: "No, my wife and I are just planning on hanging out at home and relaxing. How about you?"

Bill: "My family and I are planning a short trip on the yacht. We haven't been out in a while, and the weather looks perfect. Maybe you and your wife could join us? We haven't seen you guys in quite a while, and it will be good to catch up."

Joe is relieved to get the invitation from Bill because their relationship has been strained lately because of the contract negotiations.

Joe must decide how he will answer Bill's invitation to join him and his family on their yacht. Complete the following in a paper of 500-700 words, excluding cover and reference pages.

Part I:

Address the following:

Apply the rational choice model to arrive at your recommendation for Joe regarding his response to the invitation to spend the weekend on Bill's yacht.

In what ways do you agree or disagree with the result of applying the rational choice model?

Part II:

What ethical theory supports the response to this invitation that you recommend to Joe?

Why would you use this theory?

What is an alternative recommendation, applying a different ethical theory?

Compare and contrast your recommendation with the alternative.

Reference no: EM131966490

Questions Cloud

Assume that all firms in a competitive market : Assume that all firms in a competitive market have a total cost curve given by TC = 162 + 2q2. If the market price is $32, which statement is true?
Create realistic estimates of results based on the program : This week you will develop hypothetical results for your program evaluation. For each program criterion, create realistic estimates of results.
The sinking fund provision requires firm : The sinking fund provision requires a firm to:
A list and description of each associated models : Provide a list and description of each associated models. Create a separate section and write your own reflection of the solutions provided.
Why would you use this theory : Apply the rational choice model to arrive at your recommendation for Joe regarding his response to the invitation to spend the weekend on Bill's yacht.
Find the bank required reserves and its excess reserves : a. If the required reserve ratio is 0.15, find the bank's required reserves and its excess reserves.
Explain an analysis of the research methodology : Your 5 minute video presentation must include the following elements: An analysis of the research methodology used.
Write the null and alternative hypotheses symbolically : You are going to test the claim using a=0.05 and assume that your data is normally distributed and the population standard deviation is not known.
What percentage should be invested in the risk-free asset : what percentage of the client's investment budget should be invested in the market portfolio, and what percentage should be invested in the risk-free asset?


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