Reference no: EM133773908
Business Proposal 1: Greenbelly: Vertical Urban Garden
Concept: Urban farming spaces that supply fresh produce directly to city dwellers. GreenBelly is a vertical garden that can change the future of cities, by making use of the existing walls to produce fresh food in limited spaces. Using recycled materials and organic waste from neighbours, it is a sustainable project that can change the life of urban dwellers!
Key Features:
Vertical Farming: Utilise vertical farming techniques to maximise space and yield fresh produce in urban areas.
- Using Existing Materials: GreenBelly uses leftover materials in urban environments, such as scaffolding or wooden pallets. With only 35 m2 of land, a 6-Level garden can produce up to 6400 kg of vegetables per year and generates 162 m2 of green area. It can provide organic and affordable salads for residents and people with limited resources.
• Removable vertical vegetable garden.
• Novel use of residual spaces,
- Flexible structure with scaffolding and recycled materials.
• Creation of compost with organic waste.
• Ecological and perniaculture growth techniques.
• Distribution and sale of fresh local food.
• Local community participation.
Available Budget: $200,000
Business Proposal 2: Librids Solar Panel Solution
Concept: LIBRIDS builds revolutionary solar panels with
breakthrough "body armor" materials "Aramid Fiber". Housed in a robust structure achieves unmatched flexibility and strength to remain intact after being violently bent more than 100 times.
Key Features:
Solar Panel: LIBRIDS offers protection by adding Aramid Fiber to solar panels - the same materials used to make body armour. The highly protective material safeguards the inner monocrystallines from potential damage,
• Lightweight and Durable: Conduct comprehensive energy audits and provide recommendations for improving energy efficiency and reducing costs.
Available Budget: $1,000,000 x.2.4
Business Proposal 3: Drastic Plastic Perth
Concept: Attention people of Perth! Round up your fantastic
plastic or should we now say drastic plastic and let's recycle, learn about plastic, make new things, and clean up our environment_ Our goal is to build and set up a precious plastic-style container in Perth. It will contain machines to shred and recycle the plastic into raw materials and turn them into new things.
Key Features:
• A small-scale recycling facility to recycle local plastics
• producing products from recycled materials and raw plastic pellet or filament
• Community education of plastics, and awareness with a focus on the reduction and use of only recyclable plastics.
• Possibly tour the container and if viable make others for other communities.
Available Budget: $1,000,000
Business Proposal 4: GardenSpace: A robot for growing your own food at home
Concept: GardenSpace is the tool every gardener needs,
whether you're a novice or an expert. GardenSpace does what you can't - it keeps watch on your plants 24/7 using a 360-degree swivel camera. GardenSpace is super easy to use. All you have to do is connect it to your water supply and your MA. The handy app is your garden command centre. Plus, it's solar-powered, so you never have to worry about plugging it in or swapping its batteries. And, its also great for the environment.
Key Features:
• GardenSpace is a smart camera, a watering system, animal deterrent and a botanist all in one. It's the first and only product to provide monitoring, watering and protection for your garden. GardenSpace can manage the upkeep of '100 square feet, which is enough to grow $700 of produce a year. GardenSpace should be every gardener's first step towards a successful yield.
• GardenSpace works as an actual pest deterrent. The built-in 360 motion detection and water supply work together to detect and ward off any unwanted garden visitors.
Available Budget: $500,000
Prototype Submission
First, your group is asked to re-design/ re-imagine the product or service solution presented in the business proposal that you have selected. How can the concept be significantly improved/ enhanced/ re-imagined to appeal to users (+investors)? Could it incorporate new capabilities? Could it have new uses and perhaps appeal to more or alternative) potential users?
This assignment will take the form of a wireframe prototype (developed
with care). It will be submitted online to the workshop facilitator. Types
of prototypes you may combine to express your solution include:
In characterising prototyping:
"Prototyping is the making of a representation of a solution to a design problem in such a way that a user can experience it. Prototypes are not meant to function but rather to let users interact with them so as to provide feedback. Prototyping is crucial in iterative design processes, design thinking, and user-centred design.
Prototypes can be categorised as high- and low-fidelity prototypes. High-fidelity prototypes are highly realistic in appearance and interactions (e.g., a mock-up done in Illustrator). In contrast, low-fidelity prototypes are sketch-like objects with an unfinished quality (e.g,, sketches of an app drawn on paper).
Typically, low-fidelity prototypes are used early in product development, while high-fidelity prototypes only start coming into play in later stages. Although high-fidelity prototypes may seem more desirable as a means of communicating designs to prospective clients, they have same critical and costly drawbacks when used too early in the process. Introducing high-fidelity prototypes too early means more time spent making them, thus postponing testing; they also discourage iterations due to the effort that goes into their construction. Perhaps worse, they can also cause a premature commitment to design decisions. Conversely, low-fidelity prototypes-for all their roughness-offer a wealth of leeway and flexibility heloino designers avoid building on assumptions.
Outlining the Business Case
Second, in introducing your re-designed product or service solution, you are encouraged to outline and 'sell' the concept in writing. In a methodically written format (41-1,000 words) with academic references and supporting evidence, address the following questions:
What is your improved/ enhanced/ reimagined product or service? What task does it perform?
. What makes your improved/ enhanced/ reirnagined product or service significantly different and more effective than the original proposal?
What makes it different and better than substitute/ competitor solutions? How did you and your group members develop/ agree upon your improved/ enhanced/ reirnagined product or service? (Explain your methodolo ).
Link your solution to your customers. Who are your potential customers and why would want your product or service? Why are you and your group members the best placed to develop this product or service solution? In developing your product or service, what risks would you anticipate? Why is your product or service deserving; of investment?
Students are encouraged to supplement their answers with diagrams, graphics and supporting evidence.