Why would the immigrant choose the two treasures

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133523594


Immigrants often arrived with only the clothes on their backs and a single suitcase full of their most treasured possessions.

You are asked to write a brief narrative about an immigrant's suitcase for this problem.

I. In your first paragraph, using your imagination and what you have learned, describe the immigrant who is carrying the suitcase

1. What is their name?

2. Where are they from?

3. How was their journey?

a. where did they live on the ship
b. how long were they on the ship

4. Why are they coming to America?

II. In your second paragraph, again using your imagination and what you have learned, describe in detail the content of the suitcase your immigrant is carrying (not including any clothing)

1. Describe 2 cultural treasures packed into the suitcase (do not worry about the size of the treasure compared to the size of the suitcase)

2. Why would the immigrant choose those 2 treasures?

Reference no: EM133523594

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