Why would the company benefit from corporate aviation

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Reference no: EM132324635

Assignment: Review the following details and also check the outline attached. Please complete the assignment according to outline

Prepare a 5-page report proposing a corporate flight department for the company executive. The proposal should be professional and must include graphics and diagrams. The proposal may be either APA or in a professional business proposal format (maybe use a template from Microsoft Word or equivalent). Four references, including the textbook, are required and must be formatted in current APA format, regardless of paper formatting.

The company is a large engineering firm based in Lynchburg. The firm employs 400 workers, including sales and engineering staff. The sales staff averages thirty 2-3-day trips a year, with 3-5 employees on each trip. Most of the sales trips are within a 500-mile radius of Lynchburg.

The engineering staff is involved in site inspection and pop-up troubleshooting trips. The engineer trips range from a day to 3 weeks, within the same 500 mile radius. Usually 2 engineers go on these trips about twenty times a year. The company is currently spending $280,000 a year on travel expenses.

The report should include a description and justification for the following areas:

• Why would the company benefit from corporate aviation?

• Analyze current travel needs

• Anticipate future travel needs

• Offer a solution for the company

• Aircraft

• Characteristics that make that aircraft an ideal choice

• Acquisition cost of aircraft

• Operating costs of the aircraft

• Flight department operations

• How would operations be set up?

• How to handle maintenance?

• Contingency plans

Remember, all assertions require arguments. Do not just say the aircraft saves time and money. The company executive will want to know just how much time and how much money.

Reference no: EM132324635

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