Why would communicating these rewards

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133336266

Fresh Munchables has acquired a new freeze-dried meat company, and employees now qualify for discounts for packaged meat products. Kenna, a supervisor, has been told by the HR team to provide her employees with formal training, supervisor-based training, and accessible online information so that they can be informed about these new benefits.

Why would communicating these rewards through multiple different methods be beneficial?

Reference no: EM133336266

Questions Cloud

Differentiate training from education and development : Differentiate training from education and development. What is the role of the trainer?
Examining validity and reliability in published research : We have repeatedly returned to the importance of examining validity and reliability in published research as well as in your own.
Describe interprofessional collaborative practice : Describe the core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP) and explain why these are essential in the healthcare environment
Describe role of moral ownership and moral efficacy : Describe the role of moral ownership, moral efficacy, and moral courage in taking moral action and demonstrating socially responsible leadership.
Why would communicating these rewards : Why would communicating these rewards through multiple different methods be beneficial?
Implementing new performance appraisal system : What is the importance of creating and implementing a new performance appraisal system and one's rationale for selection?
Discuss concepts of job hierarchy and job evaluation : Discuss the concepts of job hierarchy and job evaluation. How are they related and what impact does each have on the other?
Business legal and ethical responsibilities : Describe the key differences between a business's legal and ethical responsibilities.
Organization current expatriate process : What data-gathering tool you would use to audit the organization's current expatriate process?


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