Why were women exploited in urban factories

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133671220


Topic: Annotating Sources on Immigrant Women, Working-Class Women, and Labor Conflict


1. Read and Annotate, answer the prompt below.

View the collection of primary sources by and about women in the late 19th century. This time period is marked with increased immigration, growing American imperialism abroad, and increased social class strife. As you read, compose an annotations and mark up the document with your notes and observations. Touch on any of the following prompt through your annotations.


  1. What do these sources say about women's roles in late 19th-century politics, society, and the economy?
  2. How and why were women exploited in urban factories?
  3. What roles did women play in the labor conflicts of the 1880s?
  4. How did social class, ethnicity, immigration status, and race distinguish the experiences of women in the late nineteenth century?
  5. How and why did women become involved in labor unions, protests, and populist politics?
  6. What do the images from the Columbian Expo at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893 tell us about gender, race, ethnicity, immigration, and belonging in the late nineteenth century?
  7. What added challenges did immigrant women, particularly New Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe, experience in the US?

Using the annotations feature below, contribute at least five annotations to our class document. Try to leave annotations on at least 4 of the excerpted sources.

Primary Sources: Immigration, Labor, Imperialism, and American 'Orientalism'

1. Document 1: Rose Cohen Describes Her First Job in New York City, 1892.

2. Document 2: Italian Mother and Her Baby in Jersey Street, photograph by Jacob Riis, 1888-1889.

3. Document 3: Excerpt from Jane Addams' Twenty Years at Hull House

4. Document 4: Excerpt from Maria Amparo Ruiz Burtons' 1885 novel, The Squatter and The Don

Your annotations can:

  • Note any evidence from the text that you could use to answer the prompt above.
  • Discuss themes or details in threaded annotations.
  • 'Translate' a portion of the text, or put the author's words into our 21st-century vernacular. What is being said?
  • Note details about the authors' perspectives or the authors themselves
  • Note relevant details from the textbook or other readings.
  • Note your insights, or pose hypotheses you could make using only the text.
  • Share the historical significance of a selected section of the text.

To be meaningful, annotations should be more than a simple highlight (though feel free to highlight passages that speak to you).

Reference no: EM133671220

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