Why were the culture wars so significant to so many people

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133574451

Problem: Reaction Paper

A War for the Soul of America- A History of the Culture Wars, by Andrew Hartman.

Hartman argues that fights over American culture were constant through the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. And that these conflicts came out of the 1960s challenges to a "normative America." On one side, were those defending those changes of the 1960s, and on the other were those seeking a return to that normative America. These "wars" over culture didn't only occur in the arena of electoral politics, but on the many battlefields of the larger American culture - in films and music, in popular culture and television, and in schools and universities.

After reading this book, write an 800 to 1000 words essay in which you comment on these conflicts. Why were these "culture wars" so significant to so many people? How significant were they to the larger story of American history or were they a distraction from other more important trends and events? Considering what you know about the 1920s, in what ways were these cultural conflicts a continuation of long-fought cultural battles and in what way were these fights of the 80s and 90s new to the American scene? Are these battles still being fought or has one side appeared to win?

Reference no: EM133574451

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