Reference no: EM133692992
Please, complete and answer these questions.
Hinduism Vedanta Society of Southern California (Hinduism: Vedanta Society); San Diego, CA 92103
Buddhism Buddhist Temple of San Diego (Buddhism: Mahayana, Japanese Jodo Shinshu [Shin Buddhism]); San Diego, CA 92102
Sikhism Sikh Foundation San Diego Gurdwara (Sikhism); Poway, CA 92064
Please, answer these questions. Thank you!!
Question 1
Activity Data (Complete information is required). List, exactly as enumerated below, all of the following information:
1. Religious Site. Identify (name) the site that we personally visited.
2. Tradition Visited. Identify both the tradition and sub-tradition (sub-category, denomination, etc.) represented by the religious site that we visited.
3. Date and Time of us Site-Visit. List the date(s) and the time(s) of day when we visited the respective religious site for this report.
4. Persons(s) Interviewed. If we interviewed someone at your chosen religious site as part of your preparation for this report, we will need to provide the following information. (If we interviewed no one, then simply indicate "not applicable".) a. The full name (correctly spelled) of the person interviewed.
5. Other Helpful Data. If, during your report preparation or site visit, we obtained helpfully information that updates or augments the site information.
Question 2
1: Why did we choose this option? Briefly explain why we chose this traditional and religious site for our visit.
Question 3
Description of the Visit, describe in a factual and concise manner what we witnessed (saw, heard) during your "in-person" visit to this religious site/institution. We description should also acknowledge the relevant sub-tradition (denomination, sect, etc.) through which the institution relates to its primary tradition.
Question 4:
Our Personal Insights, Impressions, Feelings, and Reactions, identify and discuss the personal insights, impressions, feelings, and reactions that we experienced during our "in-person" visit to this religious site. In our discussion, be sure to mention specific events (e.g., actions, words, conversations, or other occurrences during the visit) that prompted these personal responses.
Question 5
Interconnections, identify and discuss some specific interconnections between the events/experiences of our visit and the concepts and information presented in our required readings (as listed above). We will need to cite the specific authors and page references whenever we refer to those readings.
Question 6
Conclusions and Evaluation. Express any conclusions we have derived from this activity, and include our personal evaluation of this experience.