Why was there so much fear during covid crisis

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Reference no: EM133300567

You are dating a pretty young woman (but not too young or you might get arrested) or handsome young man. She or he as the case may be hasn't left her or her parents' home for three years as a result of the COVID pandemic. On your first date, she or he asks, "Why was there so much fear during the COVID crisis? What was everyone complaining about? Do you think the pandemic brought us closer together or drove us further apart as a nation? Why? Was there enough education about it? How has it affected business in general and business communication in specific?"

A. Answer her or his questions before you begin looking for another date.

B. The pandemic was particularly difficult for many small business owners. Imagine you are the owner of a small business.

Based on what we have learned about the COVID crisis, what might you have done differently, and/or what would you do differently in the future if another such crisis arises?

Reference no: EM133300567

Questions Cloud

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