Why was the deputy police chief prosecuted and convicted

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Reference no: EM133400130


1) Why was the deputy police chief prosecuted and convicted?

2) Do you agree with the Kantian philosophy that is the basis of the German justice in this case? If not, explain why. Use as much detail as possible, with as much clarity as possible.

3) If you examine our justice and corrections system, which ethical philosophy do you believe is the basis of our model of justice and punishment?

Read the following journal article;

Police Ethics - Organizational Implications-1.pdf

4) Do you agree with this articles message? Explain why or why not.

5) Critique this quote, based on your view of policing and the 'occupational subculture' at your agency; "The police mandate is broad and complex. In a civilized society, people want to be served and protected, and the officer on the street decides how to carry out this mission. In the view of some researchers, the choices often are based upon simplistic utilitarian calculations about the greatest good for the community (Harrison 1999)."

6) Do you agree that there should be an increase level of ethics training at the academy and early stages of an officers career? Explain.


Reference no: EM133400130

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