Reference no: EM133256829
Child: Jonathan - 5 years 1 month
Jonathan started daycare a year ago when his mom went back to work. He is getting ready to go to kindergarten and talks a lot about how much he is looking forward to this. Jonathan has always enjoyed sitting at the table and working with pens, pencils, and note books. When one of the educators added clip boards with paper already attached, and a container of real pens he was very happy with this. He will occasionally play with the children but does not seem too interested in active play and usually will return to working at the tables. The educators direct and guide Jonathan to group activities, but note that he often leaves these quickly. Jonathan seems to prefer playing on his own. He gets quite frustrated in circle when the children do not sit still and focus on the story. Jonathan becomes disruptive himself in his efforts to correct the other children's behaviours.
1. Identify which of Howard Gardner's intelligences they felt the child is strong in?
2. Identify reasons why they felt that these are the child's strong intelligences?
3. Correctly identify curriculum areas the child does not appear to be eagerly involved in?
4. Identify reasons why they felt the child has not wanted to be involved in those areas?
5. Use the characteristics of the child's strong intelligences and plan three activities in curriculum areas the child is not typically involved in that would encourage the child to develop new skills and expand their learning.
6. Write three activities
7. Include a summary of all required information?