Why the teller application can call the withdraw methods

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131299465


For this Programming activity, you will create the SavingAccount class, which inherits directly from the BankAccount class.

Bank Account Class

/** BankAccount class, version 1
* Anderson, Franceschi
* Represents a generic bank account
import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class BankAccount
public final DecimalFormat MONEY
= new DecimalFormat( "$#,##0.00" );
private double balance;

After you write your program answer the following questions.

Explain why the Teller application can call the withdraw and deposit methods using a SavingsAccount object reference, even though we did not define these methods.

Explain why your applyInterest method in the SavingAccount class needs to call the deposit method of the BankAccount class.

Reference no: EM131299465

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