Why the study or system is beneficial a theoretical idea

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133478588

Case Study: The first paragraph will be a summary of the article, outlining the goal of the study, a description of the method or system, and the results. The second paragraph will be devoted to writing reflections, i.e. an individual perspective on this article.

At the end of the summary, you will write a single discussion question concerning the article that can be posed to the class. The discussion question should be based on your reaction to the reading. It should not be a question about a detail in the article but rather a broader question involving people to do independent thinking to answer it.

Some ideas can be used in such a perspective include:

Question 1: Reactions to the readings, e.g. a critique (what the author got right or wrong) or why the study or system is beneficial
A theoretical idea that relates to the readings (e.g. drawn from another field such as psychology, sociology, philosophy)
Supplementary ideas, such as similar systems or studies, taken from other sources on the topic

  • A conceptual design for a system that the article suggests
  • A set of design principles that relate to the topic

Question 2: For example, for the awareness topic, some possibilities include: proposing a definition of awareness, discussing design principles for systems that should support collaboration awareness, discussing a particular awareness topic such as the tradeoff of privacy and awareness, critiquing current approaches, or proposing new functionality that can better support awareness. Students are not limited to these topics.


Reference no: EM133478588

Questions Cloud

What you learned about the child : Describe what happened (What?), what you learned about the child or about your practice (So what?), and what you will do or change based on this reflection
Address your workplace-based problem : What are the strengths and weaknesses associated with addressing your workplace-based problem using i) a scientifically rigorous
What is brought about by artificiality in the legal system : In the context of corporate law, what is the consequence that is brought about by artificiality in the legal system (over-subtlety)?
How organizations can respond to unplanned change : construct an annotated bibliography for each article. Guidance on writing an an annotated bibliography can be found here
Why the study or system is beneficial a theoretical idea : why the study or system is beneficial A theoretical idea that relates to the readings (e.g. drawn from another field such as psychology, sociology, philosophy)
What is conclusion that morse offers and that eagleman offer : What is the main conclusion that Morse offers and that Eagleman offers? Give one example of supporting reasons or evidence offered by each of the speakers?
Considering economic and social considerations within : Considering economic and social considerations within the community, what are the primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions that Debbie might use
What is importance of early detection when can it detected : What is the importance of early detection, when can it be detected? How does he distinguish between universal early screening and universal access to treatment?
What are some of the the challenges and vulnerabilities : What are some of the the challenges, vulnerabilities, and costs associated with teleworking that impact network management, maintenance and monitoring?


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