Reference no: EM131163117
Role of Managers
Part A - Explain the functions, roles, and activities of managers. Research two companies within the last 3-years, not described in the book, and discuss what managerial characteristics were essential to lead change.
Part B - Write a 2-3+ page, double-spaced essay about classical, behavioral, and modern management approaches to leading.
- Give a brief history and the development of each theory.
- Discuss why the principles are important for managers in the workplace.
- Compare and contrast each theory.
- Give an example of how managers can use each approach to lead employees to change.
Protected Class
Write a 2-3+ page, double-spaced, paper addressing the following:
- What type of employees are considered a protected class?
- Compare and contrast the Affirmative Action law briefly discussed in Chapter 12 on page 276, against two of the U.S. laws aimed to prevent employment discrimination described in Figure 13.1, p. 296.
- Review the article Belief in a Just World and Attitudes Toward Affirmative Action and consider how the" Less well-understood notion of the relationship between deservingness and attitudes toward social rovision to groups" (Wilkins & Wenger, 2014, p. 329) relates to the Affirmative Action policy.
EBSCO article: Wilkins, V. M., & Wenger, J. B. (2014). Belief in a just world and attitudes toward affirmative action. Policy Studies Journal, 42(3), 325-343. DOI:10.1111/psj.12063.
Comparing Views on Ethics
This assignment has four parts. The task will challenge your critical thinking ability as you formulate the assignment.
Write a 3+ page, double-spaced, paper reacting to the following:
- Describe the Utilitarian, Individualism, Moral-rights, and Commutative Justice views.
- What are the drawbacks in each view?
- Compare and contrast two sets of alternative views, illuminating the reasons for the distinctions.
- Consider your most recent employer and determine what view is most useful to your company and why.
Midterm Project
For this assignment you will be asked to consider workplace violence--its prevention and management. It seems that we are living in an age of increasing violence in our society and sometimes that violence spills over into the workplace in one way or another. For example, employees can bring violent attitudes and behaviors into the workplace, or they themselves may be the victims of violence. The damage done by the first type of employee can be catastrophic. The damage done by the second type of employee can be more subtle. Victims of domestic abuse tend to come in late, leave early or miss work altogether. They may experience emotional distress so debilitating that they are unable to perform their jobs, often leading to termination of employment (Al-Modallal et al., 2012).
Write a 2-3+ page paper and explore what factors contributed to violence in the workplace within the past three years.
- Define workplace violence
- What type of strategies or interventions should HR management adopt to protect employees while at work?
Team Process
What do you understand by the term team process?
Write a 3+ page, double-spaced paper, describing the five stages of team development.
- Provide a personal example of each stage as a team member and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your team experience.
- For example, what things went well and what would you improve as a manager responsible for the project.
- Be sure to apply all of the APA requirements listed in the course description.
Culture and Performance
- Write a 3+ page, double-spaced, paper exploring how an organization's culture affects performance. Discuss individualism vs. collectivism, power distance, uncertainty and risk avoidance strategies, and achievement vs. nurturing orientation.
- Include an introduction illustrating what you will discuss in the essay and provide a conclusion that summarizes the information presented.
Final Paper
Write a 2,000-3,000 word paper in APA format incorporating the feedback from your instructor throughout the course using the Business Design outline below. Apply an overview of the foundations examined throughout the course to a specific industry or company in the business sector and describe the implications for organizational leaders.
Include a minimum of 7-10 scholarly sources using, Grantham's Library, or the textbook. Be sure to include in-text citations supporting your research to include statements of fact, figures, and dates.