Why the present system is inadequate

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13755975

A Data Warehouse System in the Entertainment Industry


Imagine that you are the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of a large organization in the entertainment industry. Your organization has been suffering an alarming decline in ticket sales profits for the past several years.

In your role as CIO, you realize the importance of a data warehouse system and how this can help your organization regain profits from ticket sales. But your boss, the CEO, and the Board of Directors do not understand why a new database system is needed at this time. Resources are tight and their focus is on the immediate bottom line. They point to the company's mainframe system that is already handling ticket sales transactions and ask, "Why can't you just assign some COBOL programmers or something? Make it a quick project, figure out how to increase sales and get profits back up using the big computers we already have!"

Why not do what they suggest? Develop a proposal paper to your CEO and Board of Directors explaining:

The importance of a data warehouse system, introducing it in terms they can understand

How a data warehouse system is not a waste of time and money

Why the present system is inadequate

How a data warehouse system will increase profits from ticket sales by providing strategic information not currently available

Your paper should be 5-to 7-pages in length, organized and well-written in conformity with APA Requirements.

Reference no: EM13755975

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