Why the policy exists and what the policy wants

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Reference no: EM133410974

Question: Michaela is a casual employee of "Can Do Residential Services" and is working her first shift at the Flower Street Group Home. Michaela is the only staff member on duty.

At 9:30pm one of the clients (Peter) asked her for $30 of his money so he could meet his friend at the local hotel for some alcoholic drinks. Michaela is aware from Peter's documentation that he accesses the community independently, however he should not consume any alcohol due to its interaction with his regular medication.

Michaela is not sure if she should give Peter his money or not. She consults his file and cannot find any instructions of what she should do. She then consults the Policy and Procedures manual and can only find vague instructions of what she should do. Michaela finds the policies and procedures are unclear and contradictory and not necessarily relevant to this type of situation.

Michaela knows that to deny Peter his own money is an infringement on his rights but to ignore that he is planning to consume alcohol against his doctor's recommendation would not be upholding her duty of care.

Select the link here to access information and a template for writing policies and procedures

Then using the template that we have provided, develop a policy and procedures document about dignity of risk to guide staff should they be faced with the same situation in the future.

Remember to save this document, renaming it like this:

Your name - D-LEG Policy Procedure Q17
When you are ready, upload your policy. Your policy can be a word file, PDF file or image.

Writing Policies and Procedures

It's up to you as to how formal or informal your policies are. Larger organisations often have Human Resources Staff who manage policy and procedure development. Smaller organisations may not want (or need) policies and documentation to mirror the business world. Just make sure your policies suit your organisation's values and principles.

Most policies will typically contain:

The policy name
A purpose statement about why the policy exists and what the policy wants to achieve within the organisation (up to a paragraph)
A definitions section for any words that may require clarification
The procedure - which explains how people go about actioning

Reference no: EM133410974

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