Why the given settings create a secure operating system

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM132128734

Question: You are a security administrator responsible for providing secure configuration requirements for new laptop deployments. After reading Module 2 of Certified Secure Computer User v2exercises, apply the configuration settings below on your Windows® or Mac® computer and take screenshots of each step:


1. Lock system when not in use

2. Create and change user account password

3. Disable Guest Account

4. Enable Automatic Software Updates

5. Enable Firewall

6. Create a New Firewall Rule

7. Turn on Windows Defender

8. Enable bitlocker

9. Decrypt file using EFS

10. Disable Unnecessary Services

Paste screenshots into a Microsoft® Word document to demonstrate you applied the configurations.

Write a 1-page explanation on how and why these settings create a secure operating system.

Reference no: EM132128734

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