Why the given is not running properly

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131104595

This is my code can you tell me why it is not running properly?

Purpose: To process messages similar to TtT tweets and pull out information form the text, manipulate it, and print it out on the screen

 Statement of Academic Honesty:

The following code represents my own work. I have neither nor given inappropriate assistance. I have not copied or modified code from any source other than the course webpage or the course textbook. I recognize that any unauthorizedassistance or plagiarism will be handled in accordance with the University of Georgia's Academic Honesty Policy and the policies of this course. I recognize that my work is based on an assignment created by the Department of Computer Science at the University of Georgia. Any publishing or posting of source code for this project is strictly prohibited unless you have written consent from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Georgia.

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Reference no: EM131104595

Questions Cloud

How would the information processing model help : How would you test or evaluate it - How would the Information Processing Model help to define the problem?
Use the uniform random numbers : Reconsider Eddie's Bicycle Shop described in Prob. 22.4-7. Forty percent of the bicycles require only a minor repair. The repair time for these bicycles has a uniform distribution between 0 and 1 hour.
Government of sudan correct : The argument was based on the fact that the case involved citizens of states of the United States in an attempt to sue a foreign government, something not permitted under federal law. Is the government of Sudan correct in this case? Explain.Rux v...
The retained earnings statement : What major types of items are reported in the retained earnings statement?
Why the given is not running properly : Purpose: To process messages similar to TtT tweets and pull out information form the text, manipulate it, and print it out on the screen
Use web-based md5 services : For this problem you need to run MD5. You may either download a certified version of MD5 or use web-based MD5 services. You should specify what you used; for example, give the URL. You are given a sentence "Your_Last_Name" loved 7339
Control right of free speech in relation to public employees : The district attorney argued that the power to control the right of free speech in relation to public employees had devolved to the states. Is the district attorney correct? Explain.Garcetti, et al. v. Ceballos,126 S. Ct. 1951 (U.S. Supreme Court)..
Five random observations from the distribution : A random variable X has P{X = 0} 0.9. Given X ≠ 0, it has a uniform distribution between 5 and 15. Thus, E(X) = 1. Obtaining uniform random numbers as instructed at the beginning of the Problems section, use simulation to estimate E(X).
Find the torque t on the conductor segment about an origin : Find the torque T on the conductor segment about an origin at point P (1,0,0) as a function of l(i.e. the solution will be an equation for T as a function of the parameter l).


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