Why the development of the rifle was important

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Reference no: EM13171402

1. What did the Dred Scott decision declared ?

2. During the Civil War, who were most of the soldiers in both the Union and Confederate armies ?

3. Why the development of the rifle was important ?

Reference no: EM13171402

Questions Cloud

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Anthropological research-anthropology : Anthropological research may help assess global issues such as population growth, environmental destruction, and technological change by providing a more cautious and analytical approach.
Why the development of the rifle was important : What did the Dred Scott decision declared ? During the Civil War, who were most of the soldiers in both the Union and Confederate armies ? 3. Why the development of the rifle was important ?
Populations grow at very exponential rate : A British clergyman and economist named predicted that populations would grow at a very rapid rate (exponential rate) and that the production of food and other vital resources would increase at a much slower rate.
Demographic transition both fertility and mortality : During stage one of the demographic transition both fertility and mortality are high, resulting in minimal population growth. In stage two fertility continues to be high, but mortality rates decline, as a result of which the population:
Keeping in mind the political realities of the era : The conduct of the victorious allies at the Paris Peace Conference has been the target of harsh retrospective criticism, but I would like for you to ask yourselves, how could it have gone differently (keeping in mind the political realities of the er..
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