Why the chaffey resource is valuable to you as a marketer

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131706479

1. McGraw-Hill. (2012). Marketing plan coach, 13e.

• "Brief Outline: Marketing Plan Objectives"

2. Chaffey (2013)

Designing SMART Marketing Objectives

The concept of SMART marketing objectives has been popular for quite a while. Yet, Chaffey (2013) recently explained how to define SMART objectives.


1. Write an evaluation of why the Chaffey (2013) resource is valuable to you as a marketer (provide a thorough and detailed evaluation of the Chaffey (2013) SMART model and its value for marketing professionals. Relevant sources and examples support thinking.)

2. An analysis of whether all marketing objectives need to include all five SMART elements .

If yes, why? If no, why not? Be sure to use examples of objectives to support your point of view. (provide a thorough and detailed analysis for the need or necessity for alignment of marketing objectives to the SMART model and includes supportive arguments and examples for their agreement or disagreement with the model.)

3. Based upon resources you find, write an alternative to the SMART marketing objectives and an explanation of when and why it is a viable alternative (provides a thorough and detailed explanation for an alternative for the SMART model in designing marketing objectives and includes a detailed argument for the alternative's viability).


1. Two Page, double spaced, 12 point font Times New Roman, APA 6th edition format and APA citation rules, written in complete sentences and essay form

2. Reference page with in-text/parenthetical citations in the body

3. Graduate level academic scholarly writing.

4. At least 4 references in APA format.

Reference no: EM131706479

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