Why that task is important to overall project risk planning

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM133671132


Risk management professionals work with businesses and organizations on identifying, analyzing, and mitigating risks and determining processes for changes. According to the Project Management Institute (PMI) Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP)® Examination Content Outline and Specifications, the following knowledge areas are essential to the successful practice of project risk management:

I. Domain I: Risk Strategy and Planning
II. Domain II: Risk Identifications
III. Domain III: Risk Analysis
IV. Domain IV: Risk Response
V. Domain V: Monitor and Close Risks

Note: Domains I & II start on page 8 of the PMI Examination Content Outline and Specifications.

Review the tasks under Domain I: Risk Strategy and Planning, and Domain II: Risk Identification.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Choose a task from each Domain and explain why that task is important to the overall project risk planning. What tools or resources could assist with each task?

Reference no: EM133671132

Questions Cloud

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Why that task is important to overall project risk planning : Choose a task from each Domain and explain why that task is important to the overall project risk planning. What tools or resources could assist with each task?
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