Why suicide assessment is important for ronald

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133400578

Client Profile

Ronald Sherbino is a 73-year-old male. Recently widowed from his wife of 52 years. He has one son who lives close by and a daughter who lives in Vancouver. He was diagnosed 3 years ago with diabetes which prior to his wife's passing was well controlled. He also suffers from chronic pain after a knee replacement in 2017. He lives alone in the family home and does not have visitors often due to the social distancing advisement and his son's work schedule. He visits the Emergency Department on the urging of his son who is worried about his welfare after stopping in to check on him and finding him confused and dishevelled. The son reports that his dad had not been acting like himself on the phone and has discovered he has not filled his prescriptions in over a month. Ronald is admitted to the general medicine unit to get his blood sugars under control.

Case Study

Ronald's initial presentation to the ED revealed a blood glucose level of 24 mmol/L and he was positive for ketones. Confused to date and place. After a 5-day admission Ronald's blood sugars have stabilized and discharge planning has begun. During a health teaching session about a new insulin that has been added to his regime Ronald discloses "I don't see the point in learning this. I'm going to stop checking
my blood sugars when I get home. I just want to die." Later on in the day Ronald asks the RPN administering his evening insulin "how much insulin would it take to put me in a coma?" The nurse asks if he has thoughts of harming himself. Ronald replies that he doesn't want to manage his life alone and states next time he won't answer the phone when his son calls. He also expresses anger towards his son for taking him to the hospital. Chris, Mr. Sherbino's son, is extremely upset when talking with the nurses expressing guilt that he didn't realize his dad wasn't doing well sooner and that he should have made him move into his home when his mother passed

1. Why suicide assessment is important for ronald?

2. Identify what is the priority nursing interventions and why it is important.

3. Why providing emotional support and ensuring patient's safety importang?

Reference no: EM133400578

Questions Cloud

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