Why strategies are important for human service providers

Assignment Help Humanities
Reference no: EM133625175


Chosen Group LATINOS

Three social issues or challenges your chosen group faces.

Two current advocacy organizations that focus on your chosen group. You should identify and describe the organization along with examples of the work they do.

Three strategies you would use to work with this population in a human service environment. These strategies should be identified within your paper, and your discussion should justify these outlined strategies. It would help to use examples from your research on current challenges to justify why your particular strategies are important for human service providers.

Reference no: EM133625175

Questions Cloud

Consequences of rationalization-mcdonaldization in society : What can somebody learn about irrationality-rationality talking by George Ritzer and Effects and Consequences of Rationalization and McDonaldization in society?
What is the definition of dehumanization : Need a resume or brief about irrationality and rationality talking by George Ritzer? As to George Ritzer, what is the definition of dehumanization?
Explain the selected social problem has on modern education : Explain the effect that the selected social problem has on modern education. Explain the implications for school, how is it adapted to address social problems?
Summary of the growth of the asian-american population : Summary of text The growth of the Asian-American population in recent years has been phenomenal.
Why strategies are important for human service providers : It would help to use examples from your research on current challenges to justify why your particular strategies are important for human service providers.
Define bullying : Define bullying? Give examples of how bullying relates to the conflict goals you studied. Describe relational nature of bullying?
Concepts of social change we talked about in class : Is the social change that was occurring complete or does it continue today? Discuss, incorporating concepts of social change we talked about in class/from text.
How societal factors implementation of therapy dog programs : Using our sociological imagination, we can understand how societal factors influence the design and implementation of therapy dog programs.
Identify the policies that drove the programs : Identify the policies that drove the programs and indicate which were federal and which were state or local.


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