Why should a business be involved in continuous improvement

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131831960

Assessment Task 1:


1. Why should a business be involved in continuous improvement and how does a continuous improvement philosophy benefit a business?

2. Who should be encouraged to be actively involved in the development of continuous improvement processes? Explain your answers indicating the reasons why these people should be involved and what they can input into the development process.

3. As a manger what strategies are able to be implemented to support staff in the implementation of continuous improvement practices within the workplace? In your response include communication strategies, training requirements, and how effective support can benefit the continuous improvement process. What learning skills do you require to coach and mentor staff, and what types of methods could be used?

4. What information can be sought and gained to monitor the effectiveness of any continuous improvement efforts?

5. Outline why it is important to monitor any continuous improvement efforts in line with the business goals and operational progress and how this can be done.

6. When continuous improvement strategies are implemented there are often changes associated with operational planning, tasks, and objectives. How should these changes be communicated and implemented to ensure all stakeholders are informed of the operational changes.

7. List sustainability requirements that improvement practices may have to meet.

8. Within your own state and industry area identify the relevant environmental legislation and the basic purpose of each act or regulation for sustainability practice.

9. How can a manger ensure that team members are kept informed of their continuous improvement efforts and the effect it has on the operational goals? Relate your response to how feedback or lack of feedback can affect staff and the team.

10. What information can aid the ability of a manger to correctly identify areas that require improvement or could benefit from improvement in future planning for the business? Explain why this information should be considered.

11. What is a knowledge management system?

Assessment Task -2:

Case Study

'Fast Forwarding' is a Melbourne courier company which was established 5 years ago. It has rapidly grown over the last 12 months and the business has expanded their operations nationally. Fast Forwarding has always prided themselves on being able to deliver anything to anywhere in Australia that the customer requires - and fast. Services the business offers range from same day, overnight and standard courier services.

Starting as a small courier company, Fast Forwarding has become successful because initially all 5 staff starting with the business were informed about the organisational processes and policies. Value was and is still placed on keeping staff informed on any operational changes and what impact these will have on the business. All staff had been given clear guidelines on their roles and responsibilities and any problems or concerns have always been dealt with immediately- this was the communication strategy for the organisation.

After some considerable growth in the business, it now employs over 85 staff across three offices in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane in varying roles of warehouse, administration, sales and marketing. Recently Fast Forwarding has hit a lull and business has dropped. A major account with an engineering spare parts supplier has just been lost in the last month due to a lack of support that the current IT system could offer in tracking deliveries. The client, Build with Us, required on-line ordering of services and tracking of their deliveries at all times. In the past there have been delays in the delivery of items and this has been attributed to the manual recording of dispatch items that Fast Forward uses.

You have been hired as the Continuous Improvement Manager to streamline their practices, improve productivity and help put practices into place to get the business back on their feet.

On your investigation you have found that employees are nervous as to the impact that losing the major client will have on the business. There have been many formal complaints made to Management on the lack of information that is being discussed with them, and that they do not feel valued anymore. There is a site manager in each state and they hold a phone conference meeting each month, but the meetings with site department managers and their teams do not occur regularly.

As part of your investigation on current work practices, you also identify that many of the staff are making costly mistakes as they try and implement operational changes that management enforces. Many of the staff you speak to explain that they receive no support or training to implement the new work practices and they are upset that management is blaming the staff for the loss in production.

You have found that the company grew at such a rapid rate that the management systems were not updated and reviewed to meet the needs of the larger operations, and therefore formal policies and procedures have not been updated to suit appropriate actions required. Fast Forwards Continuous Improvement Policy is listed as Appendix 1.

Par A

You decide that you need to re-build the structure of the continuous improvement process before you can implement making any improvements.

You are to review the companies Continuous Improvement Policy and Procedure, and strengthen this strategy by developing new ways in which the company can actively encourage and support staff members to participate in decision making processes.

Update the current Continuous Improvement Policy and Procedure and ensure that your new process and system includes:
- How all the organisations continuous improvement systems will be communicated to all stakeholders
- How all team members are informed of outcomes of continuous improvement efforts
- Sustainability requirements

Part B
You realise that there is still a major missing gap regarding supporting staff to implement the company's continuous improvement processes- mentoring and coaching.

From further investigation with Senior Management, you identify that that there currently is no process to support staff via coaching and mentoring.

You are to develop an effective mentoring and coaching process to ensure that individual and teams can be supported. Ensure that it includes an easy to understand overview of the definitions of mentoring and coaching and then communication skills required by the mentor/ coach to undertake that role for an employee.

Part C
It was a massive shock to all staff when the company Build with Us decided to take their business elsewhere. It is very clear to you that Fast Forwarding has not been monitoring the companies' systems and performances closely, and this in turn did not allow them to recognise company performance improvements to be implemented.

Develop a new company strategy that will ensure that all systems and processes are used to monitor operational progress and customer service and in turn help to identify ways in which planning and operations could be improved. This should also include how work team performance will be monitored against customer service, and what formats can be used to present this information clearly.

Part D
Following the communication strategy used to inform staff of new changes that you listed in the Continuous Improvement Policy and Procedure, you are now required to inform all stakeholders of the new company strategy to monitor company operations.

Part E
You realise that future planning for Fast Forward is going to be very important for the success of the business. List how you will ensure that future planning is undertaken.

Reference no: EM131831960

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1/25/2018 2:28:13 AM

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead and manage continuous improvement systems and processes. Particular emphasis is on the development of systems and the analysis of information to monitor and adjust performance strategies, and to manage opportunities for further improvements. It applies to individuals who take an active role in managing a continuous improvement process in order to achieve an organisation's objectives. At this level, work will normally be carried out using complex and diverse methods and procedures which require the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement, using a range of problem-solving and decision-making strategies. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.


1/25/2018 2:27:59 AM

• Where a checklist point is not appropriate, write "N/A" in the space provided • Incorporate allowable adjustments to the assessment procedure without compromising the integrity of the assessment. Be sure to make appropriate notations on the assessment checklist to explain any variances to the assessment process (such as probing questions, alterations to assessment environment, etc) to ensure the assessment process is transparent (and the assessment remains Valid) • Gather supporting documentation where available and appropriate (as evidence) • Do not interfere with the assessment unless the students actions impose a risk to themselves or anyone else. In the event that the actions of the student impact on the safety of any person - you are to immediately cease the assessment and take actions to reduce the identified risk.


1/25/2018 2:27:54 AM

Conducting the assessment • Establish and oversee the evidence gathering process to ensure it remains valid, reliable, fair and flexible • Advise the student when to commence the assessment • Observe the student undertake the tasks as outlined • Record your observations in the assessor checklist • Where a checklist point is not observed due to an inappropriate environment, or for a reason outside the students control, modify the scenario to allow the student an opportunity to perform the associated task


1/25/2018 2:27:46 AM

o the RTO re-assessment and appeals process • You should not tell the student how to undertake the task, as it would lead the student and render the assessment process invalid. The student should have been taught "Hove to perform each task during the training stage, and is expected to know this prior to commencing the assessment. • Do not give the student a copy of the Assessor Checklist or Sample Answers prior to the assessment. The student instructions provide appropriate detail for the student on the expected level of competency for each task.


1/25/2018 2:27:39 AM

• Ensure the student is allocated the appropriate time and resources for the task • If undertaken on the job - discuss the assessment with the workplace supervisor, to so they are aware of what will happen throughout the process • If undertaken on the lob - Determine and agree with the supervisor an acceptable time frame for each assessment. • Advise the student prior to conducting the assessment of: o what will occur throughout the assessment process o when the assessment will occur o the level of competency expected (review the checklist or the criteria for the task to ensure the student understands the assessment process and the expectations) o the RTO reasonable adjustment process and offer adjustment for any students needing assistance


1/25/2018 2:27:32 AM

Summative Assessment - Assessor Instructions It is important that in conducting assessment, the assessor undertakes the following: Prior to conducting the assessment • Read the assessment tasks as detailed throughout this document • Contextualise the task (and checklist) to ensure it reflects the students working environment. (Be sure to check with the mapping document to ensure any contextualisation still covers the unit requirements) • Read the assessor instructions and checklist prior to commencing the assessment • Ensure the assessment environment is suitable for the parameters of the task, to ensure the students will have an appropriate opportunity to demonstrates their skills • Make suitable modifications to the assessment environment (if required), to allow all tasks to be observed


1/25/2018 2:27:23 AM

Providing feedback • Provide constructive feedback to the student on their performance during the assessment period. Do not make any comments on actions undertaken prior or after the assessment period. • Provide the student with: • Their assessment result Clear and constructive feedback based on the assessment decision • The reasons underpinning your assessment decision Information on ways of overcoming any identified gaps in competency revealed by the assessment the opportunity to discuss the assessment process and outcome information on reassessment and the appeals processes. o An opportunity for reassessment if appropriate or requested by the candidate


1/25/2018 2:27:14 AM

• Using the evidence gathered and the rules of evidence (validity, reliability, sufficiency, currency and authenticity) determine the final outcome for the student. If you are in doubt, gather further evidence to help guide your decision. • Assess the students on what you observe during the assessment period, not on their actions before or after the assessment. • If you are marking the student NYC, ensure you outline why you have made this decision, and provide advice on how the student can improve their skills / knowledge prior to reassessment: or if the re-assessment opportunities have lapsed, provide advice on appeals and or re-enrolment. • Record the assessment results onto the Assessment Summary / Cover Sheet, ensuring each section is complete • Attach all evidence (projects / checklists / tests, etc) to this form. • Submit the completed Assessment Summary/ Cover sheet and associated evidence for processing as per your RTO procedures


1/25/2018 2:27:06 AM

• If a student performs an action incorrectly, mark it as such. Record what you see. not ',in.?: you want to see. • Once the assessment is complete, advise the student that the assessment has ceased and record your comments in the sections provided. Making and recording the decision • The student needs to be deemed satisfactory in all assessments to gain competency. • You are to provide feedback* to the student on their performance and/or the outcome from their assessment (whether satisfactory or not yet satisfactory) • If a student has been assessed as "Not Yet Satisfactory" on their performance in an assessment they should be offered information about the appeal process and/or a reassessment opportunity.


1/25/2018 2:26:53 AM

• Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re-word the question for you • Reasonable adjustment: If you require any adjustments to accommodate a need in order to complete this assessment, please talk to your assessor. Arrangements will be put in place to ensure a fair and flexible approach is undertaken for this assessment. Please note that the range or nature of the adjustment will ensure that the outcomes of the unit are not compromised. Accommodation for LLN and appeals process is available. Please alert your assessor if you feel this applies to you. RPL - Recognition of prior learning is available. Please alert your assessor if you feel this applies to you


1/25/2018 2:26:24 AM

• Submit your assessment by the date set by your assessor • The length of your answers will be guided by the description in each assessment: Short answers: 4 typed lines or 50 words Long answers: 8 typed lines or 100 words Brief report: 1 typed page or 500 words Mid Report: 2 typed pages or 1000 words Long Report: 4 typed pages or 2000 words • Do not plagiarise. Plagiarism is considered cheating. Please refer below for our policy in regards to cheating • Do not cheat during this assessment. Anyone caught cheating will automatically be excluded under the Disciplinary Rules and their opportunity for assessment will be subject to the outcome of an Appeal Process or Disciplinary Hearing


1/25/2018 2:26:16 AM

Case Study • This is an individual assessment, but you are to research and can use notes to assist. • The case study is designed to assess your understanding of the unit as well as your underpinning knowledge. • To be deemed Satisfactory in this assessment you need to answer correctly ALL parts of case study in your own words, clearly printed, word formatted and typed in English • Your answers will form part of the evidence gathered for this unit. • This activity will provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of required skills, knowledge and critical aspects of assessment you have obtained through the completion of this unit. • Time allocated: 120 min


1/25/2018 2:26:09 AM

Written Questions • Candidates are required to complete the following written assessment task. This is an individual assessment, but you can use notes to assist. • All questions will need to be answered correctly to be deemed satisfactory in this task. • Your answers will form part of the evidence gathered for this unit. • Time allocated: 120 min

Write a Review

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