Why salvadorans might have more estrictive views

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Reference no: EM133533882

Question: Silber Mohamed (2014) finds that of all the subgroups under study, Salvadorans have the most restrictive view of what it means to be American (specifically in three out of four ascriptive categories). The four categories she is referring to are embedded in the dependent variable measure for "Americanness" , which is measured using the following multi-pronged survey question: "When you think of what it means to be fully American in the eyes of most Americans, do you think it is very important, somewhat important, or not important to: (1) Have been born in the United States? [Birthplace], (2) To speak English well? [Language], (3) To be white [Race], (4) To be Christian [Christianity]. Under such restrictive view, a respondent who is not U.S. born might think it nearly impossible to ever really feel or be seen as having enough "Americanness" to fit into U.S. society. With this in mind, what are the three specific categories that are found to be most restrictive as per the results for Salvadorans? What are main presumptive reasons given by the author as to why Salvadorans have such a restrictive view for themselves as to how much "Americanness" they have or can hope to achieve? Can you think of any additional reasons of why Salvadorans (and perhaps Latinos of other subgroups) might have more (rather than less) restrictive views of being able to identify with the concept of "Americanness"?

Reference no: EM133533882

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