Why reduce bacterial concentration through serial dilution

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133502272

Assignment Instructions Part 1

Reflect on what you learned this week through the labs and learning activities by discussing the following:

  1. Why is it important to reduce bacterial concentration through serial dilution? Would there ever be a time when we wouldn't want to perform a serial dilution? Why or why not?
  2. Identify two ways you can reduce microbial growth within 6 feet of where you are sitting and explain how they would work.

Assignment Instructions Part 2

Select one of the prompts to thoroughly discuss. You may delete the other writing prompt.

  • Which concepts this week were difficult to comprehend? What strategies did you utilize to enhance your understanding?

Reference no: EM133502272

Questions Cloud

Why is the demand for labor called a derived demand : In the labor market, what are the firm's demand curve for labor and the workers' supply curve of labor?
Explain how the social cost of carbon is calculated : Explain how the social cost of carbon is calculated. Why does the analyst say that a method using carbon credit prices is flawed?
How do bacteria become resistant : How do bacteria become resistant? (be specific and detailed in your answers; discuss the mechanisms that make bacteria resistant).
How many cells-ml were in the original culture : If you plate 0.1 mL of a 1/10,000 dilution of a culture and obtain 32 colonies, then how many cells/mL were in the original culture?
Why reduce bacterial concentration through serial dilution : Why is it important to reduce bacterial concentration through serial dilution? Would there ever be a time when we wouldn't want to perform a serial dilution?
Example of three diseases associated with t cell deficiency : Give me an example of three diseases associated with T cell deficiency?
What are 8 factors that affect the spread of a disease : What are 8 factors that affect the spread of a disease, and the 'link' in the chain of infection each is associated with?
What are the 4 phases of the microbial growth curve : Describe the process of binary fission including the FtsZ ring and septum. What are the 4 phases of the microbial growth curve?
Differences between innate and adaptive immunity : What are some key differences between innate and adaptive immunity. What are some similarities?


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