Why qualitative method studies do not state a hypothesis

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM131032901


In a seamless posting, please incorporate the following questions into your initial postings:

Discuss the differences between a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis. In doing so, elaborate on why typically qualitative method studies do not state a hypothesis. Additionally, if you are going to use hypotheses in your research proposal list and discuss them.

Student expectations for Forum questions:

Your initial Forum posts needs a minimum of a 500 word substantive response. All follow-up responses (minimum of 2) should needs 250-300 words.

Reference no: EM131032901

Questions Cloud

Determine the average cop of this refrigerator : The refrigerator resembles a small ice chest and is claimed to cool nine canned drinks, 0.350-L each, from 25 to 3°C in 12 h
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Discuss instrument you intend to use in research proposal : Discuss the instrument you intend to use in your research proposal and how you intend to address the instrument's validity and reliability noting the different types of each.
Determine the required power input to thermoelectric cooler : A thermoelectric cooler has a COP of 0.15 and removes heat from a refrigerated space at a rate of 180 W. Determine the required power input to the thermoelectric cooler, in W.
Why qualitative method studies do not state a hypothesis : In doing so, elaborate on why typically qualitative method studies do not state a hypothesis. Additionally, if you are going to use hypotheses in your research proposal list and discuss them.
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Derive a relation for the cop of the two-stage refrigeration : Derive a relation for the COP of the two-stage refrigeration system with a flash chamber as shown in Fig. 11-12 in terms of the enthalpies and the quality at state 6. Consider a unit mass in the condenser.
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