Reference no: EM133238458
Assignment - Criminals Acts Discussion
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1) As a high school graduate from a public school in Houston, I remember the AC, in most of my classes, did not work. The school buildings stayed hot, practically everyday. I hated it. The school buildings, especially the cafeteria, were dilapidated. That memory leads me to this question, which is, if you were hired by the Governor to fix the problems in education, in our state, what would you do, differently, other that what others have already done and failed? Remember, you cannot raise taxes, nor can you give pay increase to school workers.
2) Honor killing is a social tradition accepted in some countries, particularly in countries with heavy emphasis on morality. Some immigrants, in the U.S., are from these countries holding their traditional beliefs. Teen pregnancy, for those who hold this belief, brings shame to the family good name. To restore the family's name, she might be killed by her father and/or brother or both. But to us, Americans, honor killing is a felony punishable by, at least, prison sentence, or at best, death penalty. With that said, which of these forces do you think is the driving force legitimizing such horrific acts against women- pride or religion? Remember, religion is a man's way to reach a "god," and pride appeals to the flesh for selfish reasons. Keep in that no culture is the best.
3) Which category of people do you think causes or have caused the most problems or have committed the most heinous criminals acts in this world, past or present, - people who are intelligent and smart, uneducated people or those who are considered dumb and don't care about changing the world ? By the way, a person who is dumb is not, necessarily, a simpleton. A dumb person is teachable but a stupid person is unteachable.
4) Good education is one of the reasons America attract people from other countries. Yet in America, inequality in education persist - often based on neighborhood and race discrimination. With that said, what do think makes a "good school," the neighborhood the school is in, a well-funded school system, well paid teachers, "good" students and teachers, good parents, race, cultural values of education or lack thereof, social class, individual accountability or motivated immigrants?
5) What do you think is the rudimentary cause of why people would risk leaving their native land to immigrate to other countries, like the U.S., where they have no family, and in some cases, treated very horribly as do the U.S. immigration laws today?