Why one should be aware of the bias

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Reference no: EM132948477

Our text suggests that objective reality is often significantly different from our perceived reality and is an important variable to consider when making decisions within an organization. In addition, attribution theory describes how people create the explanations for their own and others' actions, as well as for the outcomes of applied behaviors. Based on these two premises, formulate an analysis about how the development of our realities explain human behaviors within organizations and industry that can essentially affect rational decision making.

Your paper should include the following:

Question 1: Summarize the differences between perceived and objective realities and how our perceptions negotiate what we believe to be true.

Question 2: Consider using headings in your paper to organize these elements.

Question 3: Explain why, as a leader or manager of an organization, one should be aware of the bias that our perceptions may have on day to day rationale decision making.

Question 4: Identify strategies to increase awareness of potential effectors of our ability to make rational decisions based on our developed realities.

Reference no: EM132948477

Questions Cloud

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