Why might many college graduates find student loan debt

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Reference no: EM133291093

Question: An opinion column on barrons.com argues that student loan "debt has consequences.... Too many Americans are putting off buying homes ... setting back the entire engine of US economic progress."Source: Daniel Pianko, "The Key to Student Loan Forgiveness: Don't Treat All Borrowers Equally," barrons.com, December 21, 2020.

1. Why might many college graduates find student loan debt more of a barrier to buying a house than credit card debt?A.Student loan repayment options are more flexible to pay off than credit card debts.B.Student loan debt can easily be much higher than credit card debt and be the primary reason someone cannot qualify for a mortgage.C.Credit card interest rates are typically much higher than student loan interest rates.D.Student loan debt is often viewed as 'good debt' because it can indicate an investment into your future and future earning potential.

2. Why might the columnist consider spending on housing the "entire engine of US economic progress"?A.When people buy new homes, they often do not spend money elsewhere in the economy.B.Housing expenditures are better for the economy than other forms of investment or savings.C.Home purchases comprise a large portion of U.S. investment spending and about 4% of U.S. GDP.D.Expenditures on housing increase when consumers are fearful of future economic conditions.

Reference no: EM133291093

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