Why mei might use encrypted e-mail in communicating

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM133215221

1. Write a 200-word briefing report on how Web sites use encryption. Explain the technology, how it is used, and describe one or two common applications.

2. In a report of about 200 words, outline how and why MEI might use encrypted e-mail in communicating with its strategic partners and with its customers.

3. In about 300 words, explain what digital certificates are and how they might be useful to MEI, its strategic partners, and their customers if they were to be used in the operation of the new Web site. Be sure to discuss which parts of the site or communications among MEI, its strategic partners, and their customers might benefit from extended validation certificates and consider the potential cost of acquiring digital certificates of any type in your evaluation of their benefits.

Reference no: EM133215221

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