Why media adheres to government regulations

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Reference no: EM13100372

A) Many political pundits think that media has more of influence on elections than ever before. Do you share this belief? Support the position and reply to another student's posting about merits of their positions.

B) Based on the government regulations of media which you read about, do you think that media adheres to these regulations? What is a way that candidate may get more coverage than another, despite these regulations?

Reference no: EM13100372

Questions Cloud

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How imperfections in coding affect the budget preparation : Imagine you are a coding supervisor. What emphasis would you place on the Standards of Ethical Coding in your area? Would you include the Standards of Ethical Coding in your policy and procedure manual?
Why media adheres to government regulations : Many political pundits think that media has more of influence on elections than ever before. Do you share this belief? Support the position and reply to another student's posting about merits of their positions.
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