Why managers and information workers may be constrained

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132016316

1)Which of the following is not a reason why managers and information workers may be constrained by data?

• data are incomplete
• data are stored in a data warehouse
• data are out of context
• data are so overwhelming that they require too much time to analyze

2)________ is data that has been processed, organized, or put into context so that it has meaning and value to the person receiving it.

• Information
• A report
• Knowledge
• A transaction
3)A system refers to a set of components that work together (hopefully). The point of an information system is to make sense out all the confusing data in the environment and put the data into some kind of order.

• False

4)An information system designed without an understanding of the company's culture and politics is likely to be unpopular, perhaps forcing employees to drastically deviate from their previous routines.

• True
• False

5)________ is a series of processes in which an organization selects and arranges its businesses or services to keep the organization viable even when unexpected events disrupt its businesses, markets, products, or services.

• Strategic planning
• Value proposition
• Threat analysis

6)All organizations are composed of individual routines and behaviors, a collection of which make up a business process. New information system applications require that individual routines and business processes change to achieve high levels of organizational performance.

• True
• False

7)________ consists of powerful software tools to discover and extract knowledge from text documents.

• Document mining
• Master data management
• Knowledge mining
• Text mining

8)_______ are valuable to businesses because they can connect, communicate, collaborate, and do commerce on-demand, in real-time, and at a distance.

• Interactivity applications
• Podcasts
• Multimedia networks
• Broadband infrastructures

9)A negative ethical impact of mobile marketing efforts is that they can be ________.

• invasive
• expensive
• pervasive
• innovative

10)Environmental scanning involves searching for and determining external changes that may require an organizational response. The current economic climate represents an example of external change that requires sweeping organizational responses to ensure survival.

• True
• False

11)The value of an information system is determined by the relationships among ISs, people, and business processes-which are influenced strongly by:

• fast, accurate communication and collaboration.
• huge amounts of information that is accessible via networks.
• automation of decision making
• organizational culture..

12) An information system designed without an understanding of the company's culture and politics is likely to be unpopular, perhaps forcing employees to drastically deviate from their previous routines.

• True
• False

13) Deciding which new products to develop or which new markets to enter are examples of ________ decisions because they depend on human intelligence, knowledge, and/or experience.

• semistructured
• routine
• structured
• unstructured

14) Netflix and Amazon are two sites that have a high degree of customer intimacy and serves customers exceptionally well.

• True
• False
15) DSS can rely on either analytical models or large databases to provide valuable information. Specific vessels or aircraft could be sent to particular destinations to maximize profit, the optimal loading pattern for cargo or passengers, and the optimal rate at which vessels or aircraft should travel to maximize efficiency while still meeting schedules.

• True
• False
16) Information is an ordered set of data that you can understand and act on. Interested parties can get a sense of raw data that will show them current values and daily trends, like is the market up or down, and they could act on such information.

• True
• False

17) A number of factors are leading to a growing emphasis on collaboration in firms. Work is changing, requiring more cooperation and coordination. Professions play a larger role in firms than before, and this often requires more consultation among experts. Organizations are flatter, with many more decisions made far down in the hierarchy. Organizations are more far flung around the globe, in multiple locations. There's an emphasis on finding and sharing ideas, which requires collaboration.

• True
• False

18) ________ consists of data that have been processed, organized, and put into context to be meaningful, and to convey understanding, experience, accumulated learning, and expertise.

• Information
• Knowledge
• Wisdom
• A transaction
19) A hierarchy of data that is used to store information in a database, progressing from the database as the top-level holder of information down through the field, stores information about an entity's attribute.

• False
• True

20) The singularity of enterprise systems (one system) that integrates information flows from a variety of sources and serves a wide variety of groups and purposes in the firm, and means there is a difference between enterprise applications and enterprise systems.

• True
• False

21) Time shifting, and space shifting are connected to globalization, and a digital firm is more likely to benefit from globalization than a traditional firm, because space shifting, digital firms are ideally suited for global operations which take place in remote locations and very different time zones.

• True
• False

22) E-commerce is basically about establishing a "territory": defining and designing a site to reach an audience with a common interest or characteristic. Visitors are demanding one-of-a-kind experiences responsive to their needs and interests. Whatever your product or service, define the niche market(s) to be penetrated online with specialized offerings.

• True
• False

23) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002) requires that public firms keep all data, including e-mail, on record for 5 years. The Dodd-Frank Act (2010) requires financial services firms to develop extensive new compliance reports. Information systems would be useful toward meeting the standards imposed by these new federal statutes. These laws help companies survive due to unwillingness or inability to update their information systems.

• True
• False
24) Digital e-commerce development is necessary in order to gain more revenues while spending less, to be more efficient. The key is to have continuous development, without it, an Internet business quickly loses all the success gained. Information changes every day, and there is no time to wait.

• True
• False

25) The following are additional components one might expect to find in the network of a large company that has many locations and thousands of employees: Hundreds of local area networks (LANs) linked to firm-wide corporate network; Various powerful servers: Website, corporate intranet, extranet, Backend systems; Mobile wireless LANs (Wi-Fi networks); Videoconferencing system; Telephone network, wireless cell phones.

• True
• False

26) An issue dealing with quality of life might be: what values should be preserved in an information and knowledge based society. An issue dealing with system quality might be: what standards of data and system quality should we demand to protect individual rights and the safety of society.

• True
• False

27) The complex two-way relationship between Organizations and Information Technology is mediated by many factors, not the least of which are the decisions made, or not made, by managers. Other factors mediating the relationship include the organizational culture, structure, politics, business processes, and environment.

• True
• False
28) Property rights guaranteed by trade secrets, copyrights, and patents are strong enough to avoid the theft of intellectual property online.

• True
• False

29) A ________ is a visual presentation of critical data, such as the results of a report or analysis, to more quickly understand data.

• dashboard
• touch screen

30) It is important to consider both Technical and Behavioral definitions of what an organization is rather than exclusively use one at the expense of the other, they are complementary.

• True
• False
31) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems include the following except:

• Varied organizational systems and facilitates that are error-free transactions and production.
• Information entered in one process is immediately available for other processes.
• Collects data from many divisions of firm for use in nearly all of firm's internal business activities.
• Suite of integrated software modules and a common central database.

32) ESS rely on accurate inputs from a firm's MIS and DSS to provide useful information to executives. If they are isolated from one another, it is a kind of organizational dysfunction, probably inherited from the past.

• True
• False

33) ESS rely on accurate inputs from a firm's ESS, MIS and DSS to provide useful information to executives. If they are isolated from one another, it is a kind of organizational dysfunction, probably inherited from the past.

• True
• False
34) Ethical dilemmas include companies trying to use new systems to reduce the size of their workforce, such as telephone companies using automated systems to reduce the need for human operators. In cases like these, right and wrong are not clearly defined, but instead, contrasting values are at odds with one another; given companies value productivity, employees value their work.

• True
• False

35) Facebook's rapid growth and its ranking as number one is an interesting and informative business case because:

• it shows the power of IT to disrupt the status quo and transform industries.
• it is a public company with an immensely-profitable business model.
• it has positioned itself solely as a social network.
• all of the above

36) Management information systems is a specific category of information systems for middle management. It has the same name, but a very different meaning, in other words, management information systems involves looking at all the systems used in business.

• True
• False

37) Another business intelligence tool driven by databases, data mining. Data mining provides insights into data that cannot be discovered through Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), by inferring rules from patterns in data.

• False
• True

38) NORA (Nonobvious Relationship Awareness) technology can take information about people from disparate sources and find obscure, nonobvious relationships. It might discover, for example, that an applicant for a job at a casino shares a telephone number with a known criminal and issue an alert to the hiring manager.

• True
• False

39) New federal security and accounting laws that require companies to store e-mail for 5 years have spurred the growth of digital information, which is increasing at a rate of 5 exabytes annually.

• True
• False

40) The use of Internet technology has transformed and continues to transform businesses and business activity. E-business refers to the use of the Internet and networking to enable all parts of the business, whereas e-commerce refers to just that part of business that involves selling goods and services over the Internet.

• True
• False

41) Innovation leads to profitable growth if that innovation:

• generates new profit pools.
• increases demand for products and services.
• attracts new competitors.
• Both a and b

42) Which of the following is a characteristic of competitive advantage?

• It provides a big strategic payoff.
• It is short-lived if competitors quickly duplicate it.
• It is a long lasting edge over competitors if based on IT.
• It requires the use of social media and networks.

43) Environments shape what organizations can do, but organizations can influence their environments and decide to change environments altogether. Information technology plays a critical role in helping organizations perceive environmental change and in helping organizations act on their environment.

• True
• False

44) An unnormalized relation contains repeating groups. For example, there can be many parts and suppliers for each order. There is only a one-to-one correspondence between Order_Number and Order_Date. In other words, an order can include more than one part, and it may be that several parts are supplied by the same supplier.

• False
• True

45) A successful information system is like a completed "house", computers and software represent only the tools and materials used to build the house. Tools and materials don't just suddenly become a completed house, outside (human) input is required. Systems need to be designed to fit the firms and the humans who work with the systems.

• True
• False

46) CRM systems examine customers from a multifaceted perspective. These systems use a set of integrated applications to address all aspects of the customer relationship, including customer service, sales, marketing and profits.

• False
• True
47) Implementing new infrastructure requires significant changes in business processes and procedures, training and education, and software integration. This is a task that firms struggle to achieve on their own, which drives the need for these services.

• True
• False

48) Concern about environmental damage and reducing a company's carbon and energy footprints on the planet has triggered efforts for ________.

• green IT
• data centers

49) Decision support systems are ________ that support unstructured and semi-structured decision making.

• interactive applications
• reporting applications
• operations support systems
• process control systems
50) Environmental projections involves searching for and determining external changes that may require an organizational response. The current economic climate represents an example of external change that requires sweeping organizational responses to ensure survival.

• True
• False
51) If your company lacks a robust mobile commerce platform it can recover over the next several years if it is competitive with mobile-accessible services such as delivery status and click-to-call product information.

• True
• False

52) A number of factors are leading to a growing emphasis on collaboration in firms. Work is changing, requiring more cooperation and coordination. Professions play a larger role in firms than before, and this often requires more consultation among experts. Organizations are flatter, with many more decisions made far down in the hierarchy. Organizations are more far flung around the globe, in multiple locations. There's an emphasis on finding and sharing ideas, which requires collaboration.

• True
• False
53) DSS can rely on either analytical models or large databases to provide valuable information. Specific vessels or aircraft could be sent to particular destinations to maximize profit, the optimal loading pattern for cargo or passengers, and the optimal rate at which vessels or aircraft should travel to maximize efficiency while still meeting schedules.

• True
• False

54) The Internet backbone connects to regional networks, which in turn provide access to Internet service providers, large firms, and government institutions. Network access points (NAPs) and metropolitan area exchanges (MAEs) are hubs where the backbone intersects regional and local networks and where backbone owners connect with one another.

• False
• True
55) Information systems or their absence have been related to the recent financial crisis in the United States, the investment banks that have suffered heavy losses, and individuals who were able to defraud investors of millions.

• True
• False

56) In Porter's competitive forces model, the strategic position of the firm and its strategies are determined not only by competition with its traditional direct competitors but also by four other forces in the industry's environment: new market entrants, substitute products, customers, and suppliers.

• True
• False
57) A system refers to a set of components that work together (hopefully). The point of an information system is to make sense out all the confusing data in the environment and put the data into some kind of order.

• True
• False

58) Nanotubes are tiny tubes about 10,000 times thinner than a human hair. They consist of rolled-up sheets of carbon hexagons and have potential use as minuscule wires or in ultrasmall electronic devices and are very powerful conductors of electrical current. In effect, Nanotechnology is used to create transistors of the tiny size previously mentioned.

• True
• False
59) The enterprise Internet graphic represents several individual networks linked together into an enterprise-wide network. The cloud computing graph represents several types of technology that are capable of connecting to the Internet and accessing applications and services through a cloud.

• True
• False
60) Which of the following best describes RFID implementation?

• RFID implementations are used only to track products and pallets.
• RFID systems are frequently implemented as stand-alone systems.
• RFID implementation has been rapid and widespread for security reasons.
• RFID implementation has been slow due to costs, privacy, and security concerns.
61) Critical business processes are those that improve employee performance and ________.

• strategic planning
• commodities
• profit margins
• business models
62) Which of the following statements about virtualization is false?

• Virtualization is often a key part of an enterprise's disaster recovery plan.
• Virtualization separates business applications and data from hardware resources to pool hardware resources.
• Virtualization is primarily about cost-cutting.
• Virtualization increases the flexibility of IT assets, allowing companies to consolidate IT infrastructure.

63) Internet platforms are yet another area where Microsoft is featured prominently. The trend since the late 1990s has been to reduce the number of servers by increasing their size and power. Dell, HP/Compaq, and IBM have been the beneficiaries of this trend. Multi-core processors and blade servers are two ways in which server power can be radically increased without increasing the footprint or the power requirements.

• True
• False

64) Inefficiencies in a supply chain (parts shortages, underutilized plant capacity, excessive finished goods inventory, high transportation costs) can information can result in a just-in-time strategy.

• False
• True
65) ________ are shaking-up or disrupting the ways companies do business, the jobs of managers and workers, the design of business processes, and the structure of markets.
3.68 Points
• IT innovations
• Wireless networks
• Social media
• Social networks

66) ________ is a structured approach for capturing, storing, processing, integrating, distributing, securing, and archiving data effectively throughout their life cycle.

• Data mining
• Metadata
• Data management
• Data visualization

67) A computer system organizes data into a hierarchy that begins with ________, which are the smallest unit of data a computer can process.

• attributes
• fields
• bytes
• bits

68) Records can be arranged in several ways on a storage medium. The arrangement of records determines:

• the storage media used for storage.
• how individual records can be accessed.
• how individual records can be accessed and how long it takes to access them.
• how long it takes to access records.

69) ________ programs can provide access to all organizational data and overcome many of the problems associated with data file environments.

• Business record
• Database management
• Sequential data
70) Disadvantages of centralized databases are all of the following except:

• they are vulnerable to a single point of failure.
• when users are widely dispersed and need data manipulations, they can experience transmission delays.
• when the centralized database computer fails to function properly, all users are affected.
• much more expensive to set up and maintain than a distributed database.
71) An advantage of ________ is that they provide the response speed of localized files without the need to replicate all changes in multiple locations.

• replicated databases
• partitioned databases
• file systems
• centralized databases
72) Database management systems range in size and capabilities from the simple ________ to full-featured ________ solutions.

• Microsoft Access; Oracle
• Oracle; DB2
• Microsoft Excel; Microsoft Access
• LANs; DB2

73) The main difference between a database and data warehouse is that:

• databases are designed and optimized to store data, whereas data warehouses are designed and optimized to respond to analysis questions that are critical for a business.
• databases are designed and optimized to analyze data, whereas data warehouses are designed and optimized to store data for sharing.
• databases are designed to detect trends in the data, whereas data warehouses are designed to support supply chains.
• databases are designed to support traditional commerce, whereas data warehouses are designed to support e-commerce.

74) ________ for banking and debit cards are designed to ensure that every transaction gets recorded and processed online and in real-time.

• File systems
• Database systems
• OLAP systems
• Data warehouses

75) Data warehouses are designed as ________ systems, meaning that the data can be queried and analyzed much more efficiently than online databases.

• online transaction processing (OLTP)

• online analytical processing (OLAP)

• real-time transaction


76) Connectivity and mobility are ________ issues.

• network
• 4G
• Wi-Fi
• social media

77) Why did the New Mexico Department of Transportation start offering passengers free public 4G WiMAX Internet to make public transportation more attractive to commuters?

• To assist with New Mexico's goal to become a high-tech state.
• To reduce the population's dependence on gasoline.
• To improve traffic congestion conditions.
• To reduce pollution and smog conditions along the main traffic corridor in the state.

78) Networks transmit ________, which carry voice or data between a sender and a receiver.

• signals
• routers
• nodes
• switches

79) ________ was created by the U.S. Department of Defense to ensure data integrity and maintain communications in the event of catastrophic war.

• Bandwidth
• Protocol
• Broadband

80) What is significant about 4G networks is that they do not have a ________, which both 2G and 3G networks do have.

• circuit-switched subsystem
• WiMAX standard
• packet-switched IP system
• GSM-based LTE subsystem

81) An enterprise's network capability depends on all of the following except:

• open culture.
• upgrades.
• bandwidth.
• proper planning.

82) A service level agreement (SLA) is a legal written contract between a vendor and client in which the vendor guarantees ________.

• a minimal level of service
• free upgrades for the length of the contract
• a maximum service charge
• no defects and/or no risk
83) Effective e-business models and competitive strategies are developed by ________.

• vendors and service providers
• senior marketing managers
• managers from various functional areas, including marketing, IT, operations, logistics, and accounting
• Web site designers

84) Over 85 percent of e-commerce dollar volume is ________ commerce.

• G2B
• B2C
• G2G
• B2B

85) Priceline is an example of ________ commerce because the customer names a product or service and the desired price, and then Priceline tries to find a supplier to fulfill that need.

• business-to-consumers
• consumers-to-business
• mobile
• business-to-business

86) A benefit of hosting an e-commerce Web site on a third-party's server is ________, which is being able to add-on additional capacity incrementally, quickly, and as needed.

• accuracy
• maintenance
• security
• scalability
87) Which of the following is not a characteristic of competitive innovation?

• No competitive innovation remains unique for long.
• Leading companies are always looking for next-generation capabilities to develop new competitive advantage.
• Most innovations cannot be duplicated by other companies.
• A current approach is to integrate social networks.

88) In the e-commerce business model ________, a vendor asks its partners to place logos or banner ads on their sites. If customers click the logo, go to vendor's site, and buy; then the vendor pays a commission to partners.

• relationship marketing
• B2B commerce
• affiliate marketing
• viral marketing

89) When managers are planning and managing their online business, they should do all of the following except ___.

• make data-driven, fact-based plans
• identify all key assumptions in the marketing plan
• monitor progress to identify when adjustments are needed, and then be agile enough to respond
• build the marketing plan around the products, rather than on customer

90) ________ systems using reverse auctions are often mandatory to ensure the best price and quality for government procurement of goods and services.

• Cloud computing
• Maverick buying
• Spot sourcing
• Electronic tendering

91) One of the major e-commerce services is ________, which consists of technology consultants, system developers, integrators, hosting, security, wireless, and networks.

• e-process
• e-infrastructure
• e-markets
• e-content
92) The legal and ethical issues related to e-commerce include all of the following except:

• Web tracking
• fraud
• privacy
93) The online explosion has given today's consumers less control over where and how they interact with a business or a brand through a mix of online channels and media.

• True
• False
94) Hosting an e-business Web site on a third-party's server is done if the company lacks infrastructure to host it themselves, does not have the IT expertise to manage it, or needs scalability.

• True
• False

Reference no: EM132016316

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