Why it serves as a good or bad example of that

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Reference no: EM133416101


Use YouTube to find any two videos that are effective or ineffective examples of an interpersonal communication concept from the semester.

Provide the link, a synopsis of the video, and reasons why it serves as a good or bad example of that interpersonal concept (3 parts).

Examples you might choose could include: a type of non listening, conflict scene, misperception or accurate perception, nonverbal communication, friendship communication, etc. The two examples should cover topics from two different chapters.

Your explanation has to go beyond basics; in other words, don't say, "This is interpersonal communication, here are two people yelling at each other." You must apply one or more communication ideas to the video shown. Finally, you need to reference the chapter and pages that apply in your explanation.


Reference no: EM133416101

Questions Cloud

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Why it serves as a good or bad example of that : Provide the link, a synopsis of the video, and reasons why it serves as a good or bad example of that interpersonal concept
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