Why it is an example of an ad hominem fallacy

Assignment Help Humanities
Reference no: EM133612671



In your first post::

Browse the news, political commentary, social media, or other media and find and instance of an ad hominem fallacy. This should be fairly easy to do--but, if you have trouble finding one. Ask a question in discussion and seek the help of classmates. If you cannot find an argument, then you may also invent one. Do not use an argument from the lecture videos or the textbook

Explain the argument and why it is an example of an ad hominem fallacy. What kind of ad hominem argument is it? Sometimes there may be some reasoning in background assumptions--if you have doubt about the argument being a true ad hominem, explain and be honest. Here are working to develop our reasoning skills, not get things "just right".

Try to analyze the context--what is the speaker trying do accomplish (this will require some interpretation--try to base interpretations on evidence)? What would be the best way for the person (who is under attack) to respond to the 'argument'?


In your second post:

Do the same thing, only this time try to find a slippery slope or a straw man argument--and if you cannot find an argument then create one yourself. Do not use an argument from the video lectures or the textbook.


Respond to the post of another student. Evaluate one of the arguments in the post? Is it an instance of an ad hominem or slippery slope? Why?

Reference no: EM133612671

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